For one of my projects, I needed a smooth noise generation algorithm. Obviously, when many people think of smoothed noise, they think of Ken Perlin's excellent noise algorithms. I decided to implement Perlin's 2D simplex noise, which is a newer, much faster version of the original.
There's something not
quite right about how it's working currently, but it's still useful / fun to play with. (Let me know if you spot improvements!)
This is actually a really fast algorithm (as demonstrated by the demo below.)
// ***************************************************************************************************
// Ken Perlin's Simplex Noise 2D. AGK Version.
// Ported from Stefan Gustavson's Java implementation
// (
// 2015.02.03
#constant PN3DF2 = 0.5*(sqrt(3.0)-1.0)
#constant PN3DG2 = (3.0-sqrt(3.0))/6.0
x as float
y as float
z as float
Global PNHash as integer[512]
Global PNGrad3 as sPNVECTOR[256]
Function NoiseInit()
Local n as integer, rn as integer
For n=0 To 255
PNHash[n] = n
Next n
For n=0 To 255
rn=Random(0, 255)
Next n
For n=0 To 255
PNHash[256 + n] = PNHash[n]
Next n
PNHash[511] = PNHash[0]
For n=0 To 15
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 0].x = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 0].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 0].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 1].x = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 1].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 1].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 2].x = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 2].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 2].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 3].x = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 3].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 3].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 4].x = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 4].y = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 4].z = 1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 5].x = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 5].y = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 5].z = 1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 6].x = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 6].y = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 6].z = -1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 7].x = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 7].y = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 7].z = -1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 8].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 8].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 8].z = 1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 9].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 9].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 9].z = 1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 10].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 10].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 10].z = -1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 11].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 11].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 11].z = -1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 12].x = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 12].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 12].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 13].x = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 13].y = 1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 13].z = 0
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 14].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 14].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 14].z = 1
PNGrad3[n * 16 + 15].x = 0 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 15].y = -1 : PNGrad3[n * 16 + 15].z = -1
Next n
function Noise2D(xin as float, yin as float)
local n0 as float, n1 as float, n2 as float, s as float, t as float, x0 as float, y0 as float, xs as float, ys as float
local i as integer, j as integer, i1 as integer, j1 as integer, i2 as integer, j2 as integer, gi0 as integer, gi1 as integer, gi2 as integer
local x1 as float, y1 as float, x2 as float, y2 as float, x3 as float, y3 as float, t0 as float, t1 as float, t2 as float
s = (xin + yin) * PN3DF2
xs = xin + s
i = floor(xs)
ys = yin + s
j = floor(ys)
t = (i + j) * PN3DG2
x0 = xin - (i - t)
y0 = yin - (j - t)
if x0>y0
x1 = x0 - i1 + PN3DG2
y1 = y0 - j1 + PN3DG2
x2 = x0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * PN3DG2
y2 = y0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * PN3DG2
i = i && 255
j = j && 255
gi0 = PNHash[i + PNHash[j]] && 15
gi1 = PNHash[i + i1 + PNHash[j + j1]] && 15
gi2 = PNHash[i + 1 + PNHash[j+ 1]] && 15
t0 = 0.5 - x0*x0-y0*y0
if t0<0
n0 = 0.0
t0 = t0 * t0
n0 = t0 * t0 * (PNGrad3[gi0].x * x0 + PNGrad3[gi0].y * y0)
t1 = 0.5 - x1*x1-y1*y1
if t1<0
n1 = 0.0
t1 = t1 * t1
n1 = t1 * t1 * (PNGrad3[gi1].x * x1 + PNGrad3[gi1].y * y1)
t2 = 0.5 - x2*x2-y2*y2
if t2<0
n2 = 0.0
t2 = t2 * t2
n2 = t2 * t2 * (PNGrad3[gi2].x * x2 + PNGrad3[gi2].y * y2)
endfunction 70.0 * (n0 + n1 + n2)
Noise Test (main.agc):
// Project: Simplex Noise Test
// Created: 2015.02.03
#include "../SimplexNoise.agc"
// Set window properties
Global w as integer = 640
Global h as integer = 340
Global z as float = 2
SetWindowTitle( "NoiseTest" )
SetWindowSize( w, h, 0 )
// Set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( w, h )
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
// Initialize simplex noise
// Generate image from memblock
size = w * h * 4 + 12
mem = CreateMemblock(size)
offset as integer = 12
a as float, b as float
a = 5.0
b = 2.0
for y = 0 to h - 1
for x = 0 to w - 1
a = a + 0.0001
b = b + 0.002
// Try out these two noise methods
//noise = 255.0*Noise2D(x/10.0,y/10.0)
noise = 255.0*Noise2D(a,b)
noise = abs(noise)
SetMemblockByte(mem, offset, noise)
offset = offset + 1
SetMemblockByte(mem, offset, noise)
offset = offset + 1
SetMemblockByte(mem, offset, noise)
offset = offset + 1
SetMemblockByte(mem, offset, 255)
offset = offset + 1
s = CreateSprite(1)
Using AppGameKit v2 T1 + T2
Systems: Primary: Mac OS X 10.10
Secondary: Windows 7