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AppGameKit Classic Chat / AGK V2 and the .rc file

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 16th Feb 2015 03:37
Finally having time to work on my WIP and just installed V2_11.

I use MS VS 2010 express and have from the beginning.

Using previously working projects with updates for the new library and header files has a problem.

The compile works fine and then it dies during the link stage with the following error:
Quote: "LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt"

If I remove the .rc file from the project, it links fine. But it loses the default icon for the project.

I tried compiling the template and it had the same problem. Of course, it started with running into a problem trying to include "afxres.h". So I simplified the template.rc and resource.h files to what I have used for a couple of years with V1. And still get the link error.

If I remove the .rc file from the project, it compiles and links fine. But the final executable does not have the right default icon (or any for that matter).

I tested V2 7, 10 and 11. All the same results.

So I tried V1 v10818 and v10819. Same results. Which is really odd.

And I just realized that the only thing to change from when V2_7 worked was my installing MS VS 2012 Express without uninstalling 2010 first.

I am betting that is what the problem is.

And I cannot get MS VS 2012 to open the vs2013 projects. When VS13Express gets installed, it shows up as MS VS 2012.

So, time to uninstall 2012/13 and maybe reinstall 2010.

Ancient Lady
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 00:32
Have you tried the VS 2013 Community Edition? I haven't had any problems with that and VS 2010 Express.
3d point in space
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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 02:33 Edited at: 17th Feb 2015 02:34
MS VS 2012 Does not work on windows 8 2013 does work I had a similar problem also you need sound connected to your computer to make it work. So connect your mic into your computer and makes sure your computer has speakers because it will not work if you have no speakers.

Developer of Space Chips, pianobasic, zipzapzoom, and vet pinball apps. Developed the tiled map engine seen on the showcase. Veteran for the military.
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2015 03:10
I am working on a Windows 7 computer.

And I did try VS 2013 Community Edition. When I installed it, it identified itself as VS 2012.

I tried completely uninstalling VS 2013, cleaned the registry, re-install/fixed VS 2010 and the problem still persists.

I think something in the VS 2013 installation scrambled something.

I am going to uninstall VS 2010, clean the registry and try installing VS 2013 after downloading it again.

Ancient Lady
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 15th Mar 2015 00:09
I was finally able to make the time to catch up and try this.

I don't like that MS VS 2012/3 requires that you log into MS.

But, I can now compile and link and it uses the .rc file without complaint.

I had to do some research into a 'SAFESEH' error. Now I know to turn of the 'Image Has Safe Exception Handlers' link option.

And I am back in business.

Ancient Lady

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