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AppGameKit Classic Chat / update APK Version don't change with online APK Builder

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Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Location: Tehran-Iran
Posted: 16th Feb 2015 11:15

I have AppGameKit v1 and I used below site for Create APK. already I made APK with this site and Now I want Update my APK file. but when create new APK fiel, version is same in Old and new file.

for change version i made keystore and changed build number and version number with to new values. but during install on my phone give me an message that App not installed

Please Guide Me to fix this Problem.

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Location: UK
Posted: 16th Feb 2015 11:38
I have AGK2 so not sure if this is relevant but I created an apk which worked on phone. I updated the app and created another apk put it on phone but it was still the same app without changes.
I had to run the app on windows with new features first before then creating apk and it then worked.
I think it creates the apk from the runnable file on windows and not just from the ide.
Hope this makes sense but as I said I have AGK2.

Programming - AMOS on the AMIGA! / DBPro / Python / A bit of C C++ / now also AGK2! - Graphics - Deluxe Paint on the Amiga / Paintshop Pro / Photoshop / Lightroom / Grafx2
Previously worked for Prisma Software producing childrens educational software on the Amiga - Titles - Pepe's Garden - Paint Pot / Kids Academy range - Paint Pot II / Shopping Basket / Which Where What? / Blobs / Alvin's Puzzles
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Posted: 16th Feb 2015 11:50
Quote: "for change version i made keystore"

Just to clarify, are you saying that for the new version of your application, you created a new keystore? If so, this will be the issue. You must use the original keystore for all new versions of the application.

Unfortunately, without the original keystore, you cannot make any changes to the application. It is critical that you keep the keystore in a safe place

Using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Location: Tehran-Iran
Posted: 16th Feb 2015 13:23 Edited at: 16th Feb 2015 14:07
problem is when I create new APK, Version and Build number is same at all Applications.

Version is: 1.0.10813

Build is: 1

I need change version and build number for upload to any website like google play store.

Please Guide Me.

EDIT: i extract apk file but can't find any line like below in AndroidManifest.xml file.


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