Hello again,
I assume that using a single SetMemBlockInt() is going to be faster that using 4 seperate SetMemBlockByte()'s to set the r,g,b,alpha values of a pixel so I'm trying to figure out how I might randomly generate a 3 byte hex value for the r,g,b components
and to which I then append a
known value for the alpha channel as in 0x??????FF.
I think what I need to do is use Random2(0x00, 0xFFFFFFFF) to get a random 4 byte value to which I then apply some bitwise operations to set the bits in the alpha channel to the value that I want, but how then do I ensure that only the bits in the alpha channel are manipulated?
Maybe this approach is slower after all because we aren't using predetermined values, even so I'd be interested in seeing how it would be done.
Thanks for reading.
// Coding In BASIC using AppGameKit V2