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AppGameKit Classic Chat / iOS App Rejection - 'Non-Public API Usage'

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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 08:58 Edited at: 1st Mar 2015 08:58
I submitted an ipa to iOS two weeks ago with an app I exported from the IDE using AppGameKit v2.0.11. All went fine and the app was approved by Apple...

I am now trying to load an update of the exact same app, with a couple very minor changes, but am getting an immediate rejection from Apple with the following email:

Apple are telling me that I am using 'Non-Public API's'. The interesting thing, as you can see, they havent actually told me what (I assume that's what the bullet point is supposed to be for)...

I then tried to load 3 of my other applications, and they all faced the same fate.

Has anyone successfully submitted at app to Apple within the last couple days?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 11:55
I just noticed your post after posting the exact same issue.
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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 21:21
It's good to know it's not just me or something I did wrong. I was reading up on it and apparently Apple are notorious for giving false positives. Not really sure where to go from here though, so will await a reply from Paul...

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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 22:41
You could try what they suggest in the email and write and mention that what was working is no longer. Ask for some further details / instruction "so you can rectify the problem..."

At the very least, a blank list of problems is an issue that you could probably ask for more info about... How are developers supposed to fix this "issue" without more info on what was wrong??

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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 22:57
Quote: "You could try what they suggest in the email and write and mention that what was working is no longer."

Yep, have done this... Will definitely report back if I hear anything. Not holding my breath though

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 01:15
Since the API list has a single blank bullet point it looks like a mistake by Apple. If not I'd need to know which API calls they are no longer allowing, so let me know what they say,
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 14:27 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2015 14:28
One of the apps I submitted listed these:

Non-public API usage:

The app references non-public selectors in App Name: allocBatch:withEntity:count:
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 17:34
Quote: "The app references non-public selectors in App Name: allocBatch:withEntity:count:

None of those are used in AppGameKit, I would query it with Apple and see what they say.
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 17:41 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2015 17:45
Quote: "with a couple very minor changes,"

What were your minor changes?

In App Purchases, Advertising, or a Scoreboard maybe?

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 21:09
Quote: "What were your minor changes?

In App Purchases, Advertising, or a Scoreboard maybe?"

Nope, I wouldn't consider any of those minor ... I literately just changed a few images, and a variable to increase the speed.

But in all honesty, what I did isn't really relevant. As a Tier 1 user, it shouldn't be possible for me to use anything which Apple deems Non-Public. All I use are the AppGameKit Commands...

Funny, whilst typing this reply, I got a response from Apple, and 'apparently', someone is looking into this as we speak. Will report back shortly (hopefully shortly anyway )...

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 04:15
Quote: "Funny, whilst typing this reply, I got a response from Apple, and 'apparently', someone is looking into this as we speak. Will report back shortly (hopefully shortly anyway )..."

Should be shortly if a simple mistake on their end, which is what it sounds like.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 12:12 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2015 12:12
So I've had a reply... Sort of...

I have no idea what 'nm', 'strings', or 'otool -ov' are, but I assume this is something you do to the xcode project. Something which we do not have in Tier 1...

Paul, is this something you can take a look at?

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 17:15
I had a look at the nm tool but it didn't reveal any of the mentioned API calls. I still think it is a false positive.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 17:42 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2015 17:53
Quote: "I still think it is a false positive. "

I agree.
Apple needs to hurry up and resolve this for you.
I hear it is common issue, and that Apple has had this problem for awhile.

It's almost like watching someone mopping up the mess from an overflowing tub of water, without turning the water off first.
All their efforts are spent addressing the results of the issue, rather than fixing what is causing the problem.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 11:16
I tried again yesterday to submit the application which again rejected, only this time I actually received the offending API's. They are the same as those listed by apocolyp4;


Still nothing from Apple, so I just contacted them and spoke to someone in person, they are going to escalate this for me to a Senior member of the App Review Team

Watch this space...

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 17:55
I submitted 3 apps with Tier 2 with the last version this 2 weeks, so for me no problem.
Have you used Tier 1 or Tier 2?

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 17:59 Edited at: 4th Mar 2015 18:05
Quote: "I submitted 3 apps with Tier 2 with the last version this 2 weeks, so for me no problem."

So did I... The exact same app was submitted and approved 2 weeks ago. This issue has only started happening (for me at least) since March 1st...

I am using Tier 1, exporting the application from the IDE...

Apple are really starting to wind me up now, I've just received the same email they sent me 2 days ago, asking for Screenshots which I have already provided... Pfft, I give up, Android for the win

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 23:06
Quote: "Apple are really starting to wind me up now, I've just received the same email they sent me 2 days ago, asking for Screenshots which I have already provided..."

I have been passed around in companies before, and when asked why they did not forward the notes when forwarding the issue, I was told...."because the system doesn't allow us to do that, sir".
Classic example of bad GUI's causing communications to fail.
I am not sure about Apple, but their 'system' seems lacking.

Quote: "Android for the win"

Now, your battle with Google begins for your "Made for Tablets" endorsement.

I want to just have fun making/playing my games, not struggling with 'false positives' or jumping through hoops to make my app seem better than it is.
This programming gig can be stressful enough without those extra headaches.
Remember to have fun with it, or they will slowly turn your dream into a nightmare.
I feel about programming the same way Clint Eastwood feels about acting.."When it stops being fun, then I'll stop doing it."

I would go ahead and re-send that information to the new helper you have at Apple.
They may be the person who can resolve this, but never got the info forwarded to them by the boob that couldn't fix it. (I call them a boob for not passing along that info, not because they couldn't fix it)

Good luck!

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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 04:36
Quote: "Now, your battle with Google begins for your "Made for Tablets" endorsement. "

Using Tier 1 to export you need to select Android version as 3.2 for this to work. The Android 3.X series was tablet only so you need to set your build for 3.2 minimum for the Google Play store to accept your app as "Made for Tablets".

If you still want to make builds that work for the 2.X Android and still have "Made for Tablets" is to create a build for Android 2.3.1. Upload that to the Goggle Play Store. Then create a new build for Android 3.2 with the same version number, but with a higher build number. For example if your Android 2.3.1 build version is 1.0 and build is 1 then create a Android 3.2 build with its version is 1.0 and build is 2 and upload that as well.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 05:01 Edited at: 5th Mar 2015 05:02
@ apocolyp4
I thought I did set it for 3.2, but maybe I left it at 2.3.1
Thanks for the advice on making it work for both. I'll try that.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 14:28 Edited at: 5th Mar 2015 14:33
Still getting no where by the way...

Paul, does AppGameKit create and store any information when exporting an application from the IDE? A lot of people are saying that if you clean your project in xcode and then rebuild, it often does the trick. I am wondering if all of my future attempts are reusing some of the stuff compiled from a previous attempt and isn't really starting from scratch... If so, I was thinking that perhaps deleting this 'folder' (or all traces of any previous attempt) and exporting again, may be worth a try? Was even gonna try uninstalling AppGameKit, but Mac doesn't require an installation...

Kinda clutching at straws here lol...


Like this perhaps:


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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 16:59
The derived data folder will be referring to the one on my machine when I compiled the player, the IDE export process doesn't recompile anything. I tried clearing out the derived data folder and recompiling but the file came out at exactly the same size, down to the last byte, so I don't know if it will make any difference. I've attached it if you want to have a go. Place the file in " 2" and then export from the IDE as normal.


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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 21:39
Paul, I tried to use the above file, but when I export I get an error saying 'Failed to copy source folder' (or something along those lines).

I noticed that the file you provided does not have the .app extension, so I tried to add that but unfortunately no joy either... Are you able to attach the file with the .app extension? Thanks!

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 01:58
Well maybe a Tier 1 issue. I have no problem with Tier 2 in iOS/MAC.
I will release another app this week, and i will inform you if the problem will happen to me.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 10:18 Edited at: 6th Mar 2015 10:20
Quote: "I will release another app this week, and i will inform you if the problem will happen to me."

Thanks Gekko, it will be interesting to see if this affects Tier 2 also...

Without rustling any feathers, at the moment, as far as I am concerned (I've been trying for over a week now), it is not possible to distribute iOS applications with AppGameKit using Tier 1. Whether it a fault at AppGameKit or Apple remains to be seen This is really frustrating...

Paul, do you not have a test application you can submit from your end, to see if you get the same issue? I have tried with about 5 apps, and other AppGameKit Tier 1 users are experiencing the same issue. It would also be great if you could re-send the 'AGK Player' file with the correct extension. Other than trying with that, I am all out of ideas...

Many thanks!

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 10:23
Quote: "Other than trying with that, I am all out of ideas..."

Can you not package it from xcode? I never released a tier 1 app but the IDE exporter is quite new so how was it done before?

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 13:12
Good to see I'm in good company.

I submitted an app which was approved and updated once. Now I have made some minor T1 changes to the code and re-submitted and I'm getting the exact same issue.

I've contacted iTunes (someone who was kind enough to speak to me about another issue and did say to contact her if I had problems). We'll see if they can shed any light on this. It's annoying you can't remove any failed uploads on iTunes connect as you just have a list of failed uploads which looks messy.

I'll keep you all posted if I have any news or luck.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 13:38
Quote: "I've contacted iTunes (someone who was kind enough to speak to me about another issue and did say to contact her if I had problems)"

That's excellent news, I've been in contact with Apple for over a week regarding this issue and I am getting no traction what-so-ever... Would be amazing if you (or her) are able to work this one out...

Thanks! I feel abit more optimistic now

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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 14:06
My submissions to Apple are also on hold because of this issue.

Something obviously changed on their end as it was all working fine until March 1st.
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Posted: 7th Mar 2015 00:51 Edited at: 7th Mar 2015 00:54
The lone bullet was an indicator of a glitch/bug, so it should have went straight to Tech for investigation, instead of being passed off by Support as user error.

If this has happened to so many of you guys, then you would think they would at least attempt to test it one time for themselves.
Maybe an Apple executive needs to become aware of this issue, since the lower rungs of the ladder seem slippery for this climb.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2015 01:04
Well I'll keep you posted if I hear anything back from Apple. I'm not holding out much hope but this has to be resolved and ASAP. It's not uncommon and people have said it's most likely a glitch on Apples side. In a way I hope it is and it can be resolved easily. But from experience.. I'm not holding out much hope.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2015 23:17
Ok, an update of sorts.

I have just re-uploaded same build resigned with a new version number (0.36 instead of 0.35). Used iTunes connect uploader and the build was instantly validated. Same exported build from AppGameKit, just re-signed. This makes no sense at all. So to anyone with app submission issues, try re-uploading now. Maybe uploading on a Sunday helps? Who knows...

Or maybe Someone at Apple saw my email.... More than likely another glitch on Apples side.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2015 23:20 Edited at: 8th Mar 2015 23:22
Interesting... I've been resubmitting on pretty much a daily basis, hoping that something gets fixed. Typically, I haven't tried today, but this is promising news. I will try first thing tomorrow. Thanks for reporting back.

EDIT: When you say 'iTunes Connect Uploader' you mean the 'Application Loader', right? Just checking...

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Posted: 8th Mar 2015 23:29 Edited at: 8th Mar 2015 23:32
Yes, sorry..

Oh and I uninstalled the standalone application loader and used the one in Xcode. Xcode, open development tool. Not sure if this makes any difference. Could be they're a bit kinder on a Sunday ?

Please let me know how you get on tomorrow.

PS. What makes you an AppGameKit developer on these forums (not use personally, I mean generally) ? I'm just curious as I have had a commercial app published and still just a mere user. I should really get my AppGameKit backer badge initiated too

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 00:19 Edited at: 9th Mar 2015 00:24
Quote: "PS. What makes you an AppGameKit developer on these forums (not use personally, I mean generally) ? I'm just curious as I have had a commercial app published and still just a mere user. I should really get my AppGameKit backer badge initiated too"

Click on one of the badges to go to the badge page and see what each one requires.
I am not certain, but I think some Moderators have the power to Give you a badge.
It's hard for them to keep track of everybody who is publishing since there are so many distributors (and the Gallery is 'broken'?) but if you or someone mentions your badge status in your "[Released] Game-title-here" thread in the AppGameKit showcase then you may get their attention.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 10:16
Wow! It worked! I resubmitted exactly the same way as I did previously and it now works! Apple must have fixed something... This is great news, thanks for the heads up Pawprints. Gonna submit all my apps quick, lol...

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 11:33
Quote: "PS. What makes you an AppGameKit developer on these forums (not use personally, I mean generally) ? I'm just curious as I have had a commercial app published and still just a mere user. I should really get my AppGameKit backer badge initiated too"

Any moderator can do this. Try asking Batvink, he's around a lot these days

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 13:55
Quote: "Wow! It worked! I resubmitted exactly the same way as I did previously and it now works! Apple must have fixed something..."

Finally! (they must have worked on it over the weekend, so kudos to Apple for that)
This is great news for everyone.
Congratulations on your successful submission.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 14:55
Quote: "Congratulations on your successful submission."

Thanks! All my apps have now been submitted, happy days. Now I just have to wait about 8 days for Apple to reject me for something else lol...

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Posted: 9th Mar 2015 15:13 Edited at: 9th Mar 2015 15:32
Quote: "Now I just have to wait about 8 days for Apple to reject me for something else "

Meanwhile, back at the Funnell7 cave...
"Look Funnell, an email from Apple saying they are still working on that problem."
"But they have already fixed the problem."
"Yeah, but support doesn't know that yet because tech just fixes it, they don't tell anybody that it has been fixed."

Seriously though, did they ever get back to you and tell you it was resolved, or that it should be resolved and you should try it again???
I suspect that some of Apple's major problems are due to internal communication breakdowns, which is ironic considering the technologies they represent.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 11:05 Edited at: 12th Mar 2015 11:06
Just so we can close out this thread, this was the reply I got yesterday...

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Posted: 16th Mar 2015 00:05
for once it was apple's fault not agk
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Posted: 16th Mar 2015 03:24 Edited at: 16th Mar 2015 03:26
false positive.

  -         -  

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Posted: 18th Mar 2015 06:46
I uploaded a new app, in 5 days i will tell you if with Tier 2 is all ok.
I included in the app also the Today Extension

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Posted: 18th Mar 2015 16:36
keep us updated Gekko

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