Welcome to the forums, please take note of the following:
Quote: "The project I'm doing will eventually be green lighted by steam.
Anyone who helps will get part if the profit when and if I use there idea"
Please read the AUP that you agreed to when you signed up,
particularly rule 5.
Quote: "Would have been nice if some one could have told me to use the read and write commands to creat data formats to store variables after the program was closed."
There is no room in these forums for lashing out at other members (again read the
AUP, points 3.11 and 3.12, you agreed to them!), when the issue is your own shortfall in knowledge. Be nice to other forum members, and I can assure you they will answer all of your questions, if you have shown your own efforts to resolve the problem first.
If you are starting out with DarkBASIC, it might be better to go with
DarkBASIC Professional, which is free and more functional. The forums are also far more active than the DB Classic forums.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur