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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Android Broadcast vs APK ?

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Joined: 22nd Nov 2014
Location: Norfolk, England
Posted: 5th Mar 2015 15:00
I'm experimenting with Tile Maps, as you might expect this involves a lot of sprites (about 1200). iOS, PC are fine. Android has an oddity. If you build an APK it works fine, up to the limits of the hardware, but on the Broadcast APK it works identically, save for one difference.

At the end of the 'run' it freezes for anything up to a few seconds to pretty much indefinitely. This appears to be related to the amount of work I'm asking of the GPU (quite a lot) but peculiarly not to the device ; my cheapo Chinese Android phone and my Nexus 7 behave very similarly. On the APK there's a pause of 1/2 second, tops.

Any ideas ?
Paul Johnston
TGC Developer
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Posted: 10th Mar 2015 17:43
The broadcaster cleans up the images at the end of the app, whilst the APK just leaves everything to the OS to clean up, which is much faster. Although I wouldn't expect this to be more than a few seconds.
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Joined: 22nd Nov 2014
Location: Norfolk, England
Posted: 10th Mar 2015 18:29
No, it's my fault. I assumed that LoadSubImage() cached and it looks like it doesn't ; I was doing a LoadSubImage/CreateSprite lots of times, splitting the LoadSubImage out worked much better.

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