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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Understanding Facebook Logic

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Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 5th Mar 2015 18:41
I'm a little confused as to how FB Logic works. My testing doesn't align with the example code on the help page.

This is the demo code:

So taking the section after initialisation:

This looks like it is looping the program while the FB overlay is in play. However, my tests suggest that the program stops executing until you return from the FB overlay. Is this correct?

Secondly, returning from the FB overlay provides one of two values in my tests...1 for logged in and -1 for cancelled. So I don't understand what this loop is trying to achieve, looping while 0?

If it does serve a purpose, then there is a problem. If you cancel the login, then GetFacebookLoggedIn() = -1 forever, until you log in. FacebookLogout() sets the value to -1 too. So if the user cancels, then tries to log in a second time, this loop will immediately end. you cannot assume you are starting FacebookLogin() with a value of 0.

Can anyone unravel this mystery for me please!

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Paul Johnston
TGC Developer
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Posted: 10th Mar 2015 17:52
The loop is a precaution to catch the few frames between calling the login command and Facebook pausing the AppGameKit app, since Facebook runs in a separate activity. When you call FacebookLogin again the GetFacebookLoggedIn command immediately resets to 0, so it should work, but I'll make FacebookLogout also set it to 0 so it is more obvious what state it is in.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2015 18:11
Excellent, that lines up with my tests, and the info about checking for zero on the way back is very useful thanks. Last night I added some audible pings to work out what was happening.

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