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AppGameKit Classic Chat / XCode 6.2 and Apple Watch with AGK

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Posted: 11th Mar 2015 04:15
My next test will be to mix together AppGameKit + OBJ C + C++ + SWIFT + APPLE WATCH
I will do some test to understand how it work.
Now i only know it was an extension of an app, but i don't know what it can show on the display.
Some news soon!!!
Stay tuned!

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 01:30
I'm trying to get the extension and iwatch app runnning but i always get "installation error".
i will do more test and i will update this thread.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 23:04
Go go xGEKKOx!

Twitter: @itanican
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Posted: 15th Mar 2015 01:27
Ok new update today, i'm testing both iWatch and Widget and Custom Keyboard
And all is going fine.
I will add some example soon!!!

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Posted: 15th Mar 2015 23:58
Gekko is da man!

if you're using swift + obj c why don't you use metal and stop being dependent on agk?

maybe you can write your own functions in metal & swift and replicate the agk command set!
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Posted: 18th Mar 2015 06:23 Edited at: 18th Mar 2015 06:26
I'm using c++ and obj c and i just got all to work programmatically without the XIB files or the storyboards and Swift .
Since i passed from basic to c++ i'm very happy.
I found it more powerful and easy.
Yes it's strange told by a coder born on a commodore 64 (i love basic) but i have to admit that C is the final language.

Anyway, i tested iWatch, i tested Today Extension, and some other new things.
Soon i will test the Touch ID and i will post some tutorials soon on all.
I think using the programmatic way is the most easy and fast for real coders.

Thx to Paul for the 64bit when i asked it, or now we were all cut out!!!

I want to start an app where users can buy custom keyboard too.

I will prepare a good tutorials for all. Stay tuned!!

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