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AppGameKit Classic Chat / BBC to give away 1000000 computers

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 13:16

This could be an interesting opportunity. Note that the supported languages will be Touch Develop, Python and C++.

No real hardware detail, but certainly an ARM processor, so I would expect either a custom OS or a tiny Linux. These little things are certainly not the rather lovely BBC Model B, but I imagine that kids will like having their own little computer in their palm.

No mention of BBC Basic, then. That's because as far as I know Basic is not used much, if at all, in UK schools. I know that howls of protest will follow, but, for me, starting with more structured languages is a better option.

<<It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.>> Dijkstra
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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 14:19
Actually I agree with all of that Jim. I don't think Basic is a great language at all and often wish I'd started with C or C++ rather than Lisp and Dark Basic...

I do think that it's a great opportunity but it's a shame it's a one-off opportunity. Would be great to see these kind of devices getting kids excited about programming again.

I'd love to see some of the high-end games consoles providing an in-built programming framework allowing users to create their own games on their PS4 / XBone! I'd buy one tomorrow...

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 14:29
Quote: "One million Micro Bits - a stripped-down computer similar to a Raspberry Pi - will be given to all pupils starting secondary school in the autumn term."

Yay, I get to play! My youngest daughter is in that cohort.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 14:53 Edited at: 12th Mar 2015 14:56
Depends what form of BASIC really. The problem is the lack of structures, named procedures and variables, parameters and so on, rather than any fault of BASIC per se. (AGK Basic for example). Pretty much anything without line numbers and with data structures.

Rather a wierd device. One wonders why they aren't using an 8x8 LED matrix for example (I/O pin limitations ?). And I'd add a Piezo Buzzer, and a third switch.

I just can't see children getting excited about it. Apart from the ones that obviously would.
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Posted: 12th Mar 2015 15:06 Edited at: 12th Mar 2015 15:08
I started with basic then I had to learn c++ for college. There are several engines that know use c++ to make there games like unreal for instance. Java is similar to c++ to.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2015 18:59
Looks interesting and nice step to the Raspberry Pi

The Amiga and Amos were great!
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Posted: 15th Mar 2015 03:25 Edited at: 15th Mar 2015 04:10
Quote: "I know that howls of protest will follow, but, for me, starting with more structured languages is a better option."

Before there was C++, before there was Linux, before there were Apples to throw at Windows, there was BASIC.
Both Apple and Microsoft's foundations were laid with BASIC as their cornerstones.
Yes, some of us were using a simple DOS with some flavor of BASIC (there were many different versions of BASIC out there at that time) calling our programs with BATch files for crude menus to ease the command line typing blues.
Yes kids, these were the days before GUI's and little arrows controlled by Mice.
You actually had to type in words to get from one directory (you now call folders) to another.
Then you would type some more to list the files in that directory, well, you get the picture, there was no point and click, it was all typing.
The TAB key became your friend, as it was your only means of navigation to cycle through the elements on the screen.

Something to remember is that those old farts running the show now started out on BASIC because back then you didn't have a lot of other options for beginners.
Nowadays, the IDEs are fancy enough to do half the work for you, so yeah, modern stuff is way better than the old stuff.

BASIC is still easy to learn and understand, and has enough power to be practical for many purposes, especially for gaming like AppGameKit BASIC or DBPro.
So, for kids to learn programming as a hobby for game creation, BASIC is a good thing, and those young adults who decide on a career in programming can choose whatever language they find that suits them.
Chances are they are going to need to know more than just JAVA or C++ anyway, so where they start is irrelevant as it is a never ending learning process whatever language they choose to start with.

So, IMO, for general purposes like an introduction to computer programming for the masses who won't ever need to learn an advanced language, then something easy to understand like BASIC can't be beat.
I guess you could go back to teaching COBOL if you want to teach structured languages, as it was the most structured language I ever learned.

On a side note... shouldn't this be in the Geek Culture Forum or something , rather than the AppGameKit Chat?

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Posted: 15th Mar 2015 09:45
It's here because it may in future be possible for AppGameKit to do something on it.

<<It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.>> Dijkstra
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Posted: 16th Mar 2015 03:12 Edited at: 16th Mar 2015 03:18
C++l, onward to Mars then.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2015 16:42
I doubt we will see AppGameKit on these kind of platforms

There's a lot of ramping up currently for the release on Windows 10 in summer and the universal app standard where 1 binary will work on desktop, phone and xbox... TGC should seriously think about this

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