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AppGameKit Classic Chat / simple bullet example

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Posted: 14th Mar 2015 12:15

I want when Pressed Space key my sprite can fire bullet and destroy it when is out of screen but i don't know how can make it.please if possible, give me an simple example.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2015 18:37
You have already an example. Just take a look at the official samples
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Posted: 14th Mar 2015 19:02
In addition to george++'s excellent suggestion you can also have a look at this

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Posted: 16th Mar 2015 11:48
Quote: "You have already an example. Just take a look at the official samples.

your mean is fire exmple in AppGameKit? if yes, my gun should fire more that one sprite.maybe I can create a gun that can fire several bullet but I want learn correct way.

Quote: "In addition to george++'s excellent suggestion you can also have a look at this

thanks, but if I see simple code it's very better for understand.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2015 23:48
An easy way to do it is to have an array of bullets. As long as you have space in the array create a new bullet. When a bullet is destroyed or off the screen remove it from the array or mark it as destroyed so you can reuse it.

Then in the game loop cycle through the array of bullets to update their position based on their velocities and to do any collision checking on them.

Go ahead. Walk into Mordor.

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Posted: 17th Mar 2015 11:53
Also, add a timer element so the player cannot shoot until 0.x seconds have passed since the last shot. This will prevent all your bullets flying at the same time, and allow for power-ups (i.e. increase fire rate).

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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 10:40
I created a simple bullet system.
but I want this way is correct? or there is better way?
because I want use this for mobile game and want be sure that this way don't reduce FPS when I add some objects in game.


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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 13:25
before any thing please guide me to fix this Problem:

I want my ship can fire several bullet like below code. but problem is when I press SPACE key many times old fired bullets stop in air.

Please Guide Me.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 13:32 Edited at: 31st Mar 2015 13:38
You need to update all bullets, not just one here:

Also you need to store each new bullet correctly here:

Like this:

EDIT: Updated with more detail

Using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 13:43 Edited at: 31st Mar 2015 13:43
thanks baxslash.

but I have AppGameKit v1 and don't work below commands:

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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 14:23
Super Bullet

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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 15:05
Quote: "but I have AppGameKit v1 and don't work below commands:"

Then you need to track the size of your array using a variable and "insert" data as you go along.

If you are unsure about how to do that can I suggest the Newcomers board which was created especially for questions about the 'basics' of AGK.

Using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 15:21
Quote: "If you are unsure about how to do that can I suggest the Newcomers board which was created especially for questions about the 'basics' of AGK.

OK, Thanks Baxslash

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