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AppGameKit Classic Chat / GetDirectionSpeed() not working on AGK2 but working on AGK?

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Joined: 24th May 2011
Location: Austin, Texas
Posted: 20th Mar 2015 04:32
I thought I compiled an Android app containing "GetDirectionSpeed()" and it was working fine. Then I did a compile and it quit working. Along with all the similar functions and even similar raw functions.

Even getRawLightLevel() was working, I thought (It's not likely but conceivable that I imagined it was working), but it stopped working with AGK2.

I moved my app over to the previous compiler (AGK) and everything works fine.

Did something in my compiler crash?
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Posted: 20th Mar 2015 06:05 Edited at: 20th Mar 2015 06:09
OK...Strangest's back to working...I have no idea what just happened!

AND, I tried this on 3 Android devices with it not working and now it's back to working again, on all three.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2015 06:33
OK...It's not working again.

I know some of my steps this time.

I decided that if I couldn't get it working in AGK2 I could at least get it working in AppGameKit and then see if I could get it working in AGK2.

So I added some features; ShowImageCaptureScreen() and related functions. I got the app working in AGK. But I only used it in broadcast mode.

I copied the file from within AppGameKit, using CTRL A, then CTRL C to copy. I then pasted the file into AGK2 and compiled it and broadcast it and it worked! When I then made an APK and installed it on my phone, the installed app no longer responded to the getDirectionSpeed() function. The output was 0.0000000 and didn't change.

Then I ran the AGK2 player on my phone and broadcast the app from my compiler and it no longer worked in broadcast mode.

I know that if I get the app working in AGK2 in broadcast mode then make an APK, the app installed from the APK doesn't work and it no longer works in AGK2 in broadcast mode.

What I don't know is what I specifically did to get it back to working again in broadcast mode.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2015 22:22
Has anyone else had a similar experience with these functions?
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Posted: 21st Mar 2015 05:57
Have you tried quitting the app by pressing the home button after first launching your game? I think sensors haven't been working until you exit the app and re-open it.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2015 06:02
I just tried that but the installed version does not work even after 2nd launch. But even stranger, it worked in broadcast mode then when I compiled it to an APK it no longer worked even in broadcast mode.

I've rebooted my computer, restarted AGK2, nothing I can surmise seems to work.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2015 11:29
There are known problems with sensors and draw functions in the 2.0.11 release. Hopefully we'll see a new release soon where these bugs are all squished.

V2 T1 (Mostly)

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