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AppGameKit Classic Chat / AGK Version 2.0.13

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Posted: 26th Apr 2015 01:26
Has anyone tried debugging in 2.0.13? I can't get any variables to display their values. It was working OK in 2.0.12.

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Posted: 26th Apr 2015 10:19
Debugging works fine for me, though I'm on Mac.
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Posted: 27th Apr 2015 16:09 Edited at: 27th Apr 2015 16:11
Regarding the Admob issue above, today I built my tier 1 project using AGK2_v13 with Xcode 6.3.1 and swapped in the latest Google ad SDK 7.1.0.

Tested on:
- iPhone 4S(ios 7.1.2)
- iPod 5 (ios 8.3)
- iPad 2 (ios 7.1)
- iPad Air 2 (ios 8.2).

On iPad Air 2 AppGameKit still fails to enable the renderer again after showing a fullscreen interstitial-ad. Game still runs, music and sound works but the screen just shows the last Clear color.

I tried a bunch of things to try to wake the renderer up - reset virtual resolution, sync rate etc - after the ad plays but no joy.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2015 19:14
Hi Batvink.

I had uninstalled AppGameKit, but installed again to check the debugger for you. With no breakpoint set, the log function will output variable values, but the debugger will not. Only when I set a breakpoint does the debugger start listing variables in the debug pane. Not sure if that is the intended behaviour or not though.

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Posted: 4th May 2015 19:09 Edited at: 4th May 2015 20:48
problem in Post: 23rd Apr 2015 19:41 from Space Dream Studios

AGK 2 !
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Posted: 12th May 2015 22:53 Edited at: 12th May 2015 22:54
It's been a while since I've broken AGK. I've been up to other things I'm back and I've once again managed to corrupt data in UDTs It looks like trying to do this

will 0 out the size of arrays in the room type. A room UDT contains a grid which contains a two dimensional array of GridCells. Using insert turns the 2D array into a 0x0 size array. A dungeon contains an array of rooms. It seems like nesting arrays this way combined with insert causes the issue. It may/may not also be due to my use of multidimensional nested arrays that contain UDTs instead of primitives. I'll need a simpler case to make the problem more clear
Luckily, this still works

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Posted: 13th May 2015 06:29 Edited at: 13th May 2015 07:00
The broadcast feature is non-functional on my machine with the latest IDE. The first time I press it the app is successfully loaded on the device, but after that point I cannot stop the broadcast no matter what I do until I fully close and relaunch the IDE. On the device the only way to terminate the running app is to touch the top for 5+ seconds. I have tested on two different Android devices including Kindle HDX and Elipsis. This did not happen in prior versions.

Edit: It appears to be project-specific as others work fine. I will try to investigate the cause.
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Posted: 13th May 2015 08:59
Quick follow-up, there is definitely something astray under certain circumstances with the latest IDE broadcast feature. The issue I mentioned above also occurs on several included user demos (i.e., Floating Squares and PsychedelicPainter).

If you are running the player on a device, once you start broadcasting from IDE you cannot stop it short of terminating the IDE. It quickly becomes impossible to actively test affected apps with this bug in place. I have not been able to accurately narrow it down yet; both of the mentioned affected apps use render images and alter sprite states within the main loop, maybe a clue.
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Posted: 13th May 2015 16:34
The ShowChooseImageScreen() command seems to have stopped working in the newest version of iOS.

It worked fine until I updated the iPad to iOS 8.3 and now the command doesn't pull up the photo selection screen at all (AGK 2 - tier 1). An iPod Touch which is running iOS 6.1.6 (the newest available for it) still works fine and shows the photo selection screen.

I have checked the permissions on the iPad (Settings/Privacy/Photos) and flicked the AGK2 Player from on to off and back on but it has made no difference. I have also removed the AGK2 Player app and rebuilt it in XCode to push back out to the iPad. Anyone any ideas?

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Posted: 14th May 2015 01:23 Edited at: 14th May 2015 01:36

After hours of additional experimenting I relatively narrowed down the cause of the broadcast bug described previously, although that isn't to say it is the only cause. Here is a bare-bones code snippet that causes the broadcast button to lock-up after the first run so you cannot end the broadcast or restart it until you restart the IDE.

Whenever any sprite operations are attempted within the nested FOR loop, the broadcast feature crashes. In the above example, it does NOT happen if you make the nested 'j' loop 1 to 12 or less, but if you make it 1 to 13+ it will lock up every time. This never happened in the previous IDE and player I used, which is at least several versions old now. This problem happens even if the nested loop is executed from another function. Please fix!

I have replicated this problem on two separate machines with clean installs of AppGameKit V2 (Windows 7 & Windows 8) and two separate Android tablets. So it is definitely an AppGameKit error.
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Posted: 14th May 2015 02:24
+1 on the broadcast bug. Last time I was using it I just resorted to closing and reopening AGK. I'm so glad it reopens your files in the same place at least

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Posted: 14th May 2015 04:11
Paul wrote via email and said he has now fixed the broadcast bug for the next release! He explained that the issue related to referencing sprites in loops that had not yet been created in the outer loop; there was an issue with the way the IDE handled warnings when not in debug mode which caused the freezing. Until the release a short-term solution is to simply check to ensure that the referenced sprite exists before attempting any operations on it.

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