I've implemented experimental Joystick Support for a PS3 Dual Shock Controller connected to a Mac (Either Bluetooth or USB).
Reading the Joystick X and Y is straight forward. however when reading the buttons, the GetButtonState and Button functions manual states that only 5 buttons are supported.
What I've discovered is that on a DualShock Controller the 5 buttons are fixed to :-
Button 1: Select Button
Button 2: Left Stick Pressed Down
Button 3: Right Stick Pressed Down
Button 4: Start Button
Button 5: D-PAD Up Button.
Although AppGameKit can't differentiate between the hardware installed. I would like to see support for more than 5 buttons, if only to cover the D-Pads, the right hand buttons and the triggers.
In the mean time though, does anyone have any ideas on how to map/remap the PS3 controllers buttons on a Mac?
Many Thanks