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AppGameKit Classic Chat / 'get-task-allow' in iOS entitlement profile

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Posted: 14th May 2015 21:25
Bit of an odd one, iOS export has just stopped working for me, AppGameKit V2 13. The log says:

So I did the usual BS Apple dance - delete the certificate, delete the provisioning profiles, generate everything from scratch - but the icon on the iPhone stays grey. Everything worked fine on Tuesday...

Anyone else seeing this?

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 15th May 2015 00:21
I'm guessing by the name of the profile that it is a development profile. Currently AppGameKit only supports AdHoc and Store profiles, the next version will have a check for development profiles to stop it getting this far.
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Posted: 15th May 2015 19:45 Edited at: 15th May 2015 19:48
Odd, I was sure a developer provisioning profile worked before? Anyway, I generated an AdHoc provisioning profile and that fixed the original error. Great, time to create a build with an App Store profile, I thought. I create one, and Application Loader rejected it with the following:

I went back and made the provisioning profile again to be very sure it was for Distribution, same problem. Created a new certificate and then a new Distribution profile, same problem. Looking around the web, I see this is a known issue and fairly new:

Another thread here:

I had a look inside the create .ipa file but couldn't find anything .sh related so maybe not relevant.

Most feedback is xcode related though, is this something you're aware of Paul?

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 15th May 2015 21:46
I've not heard of that happening with our driving test apps, does it happen with the new 2.0.14 version?
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Posted: 17th May 2015 11:50 Edited at: 17th May 2015 14:37
Yes, same problem with 2.0.14. I nuked the cert and profiles again, built from scratch too.
[Edit] I just rebuilt the app in Xcode (painful!) and submitted to Apple using the same provisioning profile using Application Loader and it worked. Something squiffy somewhere.

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 18th May 2015 02:55
I had a look at a recently signed app from XCode and noticed a few changes in the files that are included for signing, so I'll copy those changes in the export process and see if it makes a difference in the next version.
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Posted: 18th May 2015 09:14
Does this mean we can't submit iOS apps using 2.0.14?
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 18th May 2015 18:42 Edited at: 18th May 2015 22:25
We have been submitting our driving test apps without a problem, so some are getting through. But maybe there is some difference between app updates and new apps, I don't know, hopefully these new changes will fix it.

Edit: I've now uploaded version 2.0.14b with these changes
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Posted: 19th May 2015 12:10
No change with 2.0.14b - still getting Error ITMS-90035. I tried another upload with an .ipa generated from Xcode and did notice the attached warning, though it went through with no problems.

The difference between a build made from Xcode and one made from AppGameKit seems to be:
a. Xcode removes the folder structure in the Payload so everything is flat
b. a vastly different CodeSignature/CodeResources file, due mainly to the different structure and handling of icons/splashscreens I guess. Application Loader fails with the 90035 error even on an AGK-created .ipa file with no icons or splashscreens specified in the exporter.

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 19th May 2015 19:02 Edited at: 19th May 2015 19:05
The AppGameKit IPA shouldn't have any folder structure except the CodeSignature and media folder, can you email me the IPA you are trying to submit and the XCode version for comparison?

The warning looks like it's from the Google Ads SDK, I'll have to update it again for the next version.
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Posted: 19th May 2015 20:15
Yes sorry, that's what I meant. Agk-Built ipa files maintain the Media folder structure, xcode built ones flatten it to the root.

Email sent.

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Posted: 20th May 2015 20:13
Speaking of Google Ads, I notice Admob full screen interstitials only display once. After that, Xcode reports this error:

Admob Banner ads can be refreshed normally, but the only way to refresh Admob Interstitials is to call SetAdMobDetails() again on every showing. Not sure if thats intended.

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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 21st May 2015 03:17
I just created a new app, exported it from the 2.0.14b IDE and uploaded it to iTunes Connect using Application Loader 3.1 (670). The only warning it gave me was that the API analysis file was too large and was skipped, but let me continue, and the app is now going through processing on iTunes Connect. Did your app get this far, and if not what version of Application loader are you using?
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Posted: 21st May 2015 04:36
Hi Paul,

Thanks for this. I thought I was having certificate issues. Earlier versions 2.011 I could use a developer certificate with the AppGameKit player and it was successful. With 2.0.14(a) and a AdHoc Certificate I have the player up and running on iOS.

I am having difficult though with SetClearColour though. It defaults to Black on the iPhone.

Thank you!

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Posted: 21st May 2015 09:48
I was using Application Loader 3.0, upgraded to 3.1 this morning but the problem persists (see attached). Rebuilding the app again in the 2.0.14b IDE again didn't help.

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Posted: 21st May 2015 10:07 Edited at: 21st May 2015 10:08
Son of a...
I use a Macbook Air and use VMWare Fusion 6 to run Windows 7. I do most of my coding and art in Windows as I find it more comfortable, and drop into Mac OS to create ios builds. Mac OS can't access the Windows Bootcamp partition directly so recently instead of syncing between OSs via dropbox, I installed Fuse for OSX that allows the mac to read an NTFS partition. There I keep all project data and IDEs to prevent duplication.

Something in Geany doesn't like that setup for .ipa creation though as I just installed AGK_V2_14b to a native Mac folder and built the app again, and this time Application Loader accepted it.

Sorry about the confusion, non-standard setups are a nightmare.

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