Yes, this is happening to me. I've changed the Browser in the tools tab in the preferences. I've also re installed Firefox and changed it back to Firefox but that doesn't help.
Its actually opening notepad when i press F1 or select Help from the Help menu , with this text (obviously the text changes depending on what im highlighting when pressing F1)...
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<a href="../../home.html">Home</a> > <a href="../../commands.html">Commands</a> > <a href="../Image.htm">Image</a> > CreateRenderImage</div><div class="page"><h1>CreateRenderImage</h1><h2>Description</h2><p>Creates a blank image suitable for rendering and returns an ID to reference it. This can be used with <i>SetRenderToImage</i> to draw things to images. You can create RGBA images for normal rendering or depth images for capturing the depth buffer on devices that support it. You can also choose to use mipmapping on this image or not, this overrides the global SetGenerateMipmaps() command for this image only, this is because mipmaps on rendered images can be a performance hit so it should not be used unless necessary. Mipmaps should only be necessary if you intend to use this image to texture objects in your scene, if you are only using this image for full screen shaders you should not use mipmapping on it. </p><h2>Definition</h2><div id="basicCodeBlock1" class="basiccode"><p>integer CreateRenderImage( width, height, format, mipmap ) </p></div><div id="cppCodeBlock2" style="display:none" class="cppcode"><p>UINT agk::CreateRenderImage( UINT width, UINT height, UINT format, UINT mipmap )</p></div><div id="basicCodeBlock3" class="basiccode"><p> CreateRenderImage( imageID, width, height, format, mipmap ) </p></div><div id="cppCodeBlock4" style="display:none" class="cppcode"><p>void agk::CreateRenderImage( UINT imageID, UINT width, UINT height, UINT format, UINT mipmap )</p></div><h2>Parameters</h2><ul><li><i>width</i> - The width of the image to create</li><li><i>height</i> - The height of the image to create</li><li><i>format</i> - 0=RGBA (32bit), 1=Depth</li><li><i>mipmap</i> - 1 to use mipmapping on this image, 0 to turn it off</li><li><i>imageID</i> - The image ID to use for this image</li></ul><br><br><div style="height:2px;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #b0b0b0;margin:0px auto 10px auto;padding:0px;"> </div><iframe id="comments" style="width:700px;margin:0px auto;border:none" src=""></iframe></div><div class="footer" style="background: #000 url('../../gfx/footer-back.png') top center no-repeat;"><div><p><a href="" target="_blank" style="float:none"><img style="float:right;margin-top:2px" src="../../gfx/tgc-logo.png" width="188" height="27" alt="" border="0"></a><br><strong>App Game Kit</strong> © The Game Creators Ltd. All Rights Reserved. <a href="" style="float:none"><font color="FFFFFF">Report an issue</font></a></p></p></div></div></body></html>