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Work in Progress / last hurrah - final version of my SQLITE plugin

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 03:23
Hi All,

Although I may call in to these forums from time to time, and may even dabble with AGK2, the absence of a big-step-up DB Elite (successor to DBPro) has pushed me towards C# and Unity - and I haven't looked back since.

However, ironically, I find I do find it handy to use some of my old programs in DBPro to assist me with stuff.

On that score, I've been tinkering with my SQLITE plugin for DBPro.

I attach the latest version in case anyone may find it useful.

You can search the forums for my original postings on it and all the associated gumph.

If you even half know what you're doin with SQL and SQLite it's an enormously powerful database tool and v helpful if you are, for instance, creating an RPG inventory, skillset etc.

Anyway, the command set for the SQLITE is below and the plugin with help etc is attached... enjoy!

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...


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DBPro Master
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Joined: 21st Nov 2007
Location: Austin, TX
Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 05:09
thanks man, this has definitely been one of my favorite plugins.

good luck to you!

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Joined: 24th Jul 2008
Location: Toronto
Posted: 22nd Sep 2015 21:40
Thank you for the update i do use this plugin in one of my projects i know its been on here since july but have not been around the forums for a bit so its awesome to come on and see the changes !

.:: Http://DeanWorks.Ca ::.
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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