What I'm trying to achieve should be easy, but I can't figure it out - been a long time since I did my pure maths A-level...
So I have a missile like physics object that homes in on the player and it works marvellously apart from one thing - it slows down as it nears the player. I know why this is - the velocity vectors get smaller as the objects get closer but I can't work out how to get a constant velocity towards the player regardless of the distance. I'm doing something like this...
SetSpritePhysicsVelocity(giMissiles[i].iSprite, (ftx - fmx), (fty - fmy))
... where ftx & fty are my player position and fmx and fmy are my missle position.
Help a tired-brained eejit out eh?
"It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.”