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Posted: 25th Jul 2015 00:32 Edited at: 25th Jul 2015 00:34
After 1 year of development, yesterday I have published my game on the Steam Greenlight, this is the link:

If some of you could support the game with a vote, I will really appreciate it.
You can also tell me what do you think about it and give me some advice.
The game is now in an Alpha version, and if approved will be released as an early access build, releasing updates every 1-2 months I think, or even more often if there are some major bugs to fix.
DBPro Master
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Posted: 25th Jul 2015 19:05 Edited at: 25th Jul 2015 19:10
Quote: "You can also tell me what do you think about it and give me some advice."

I'll be honest with you, I don't think this is ready for green light. early access 'alpha' games on steam in practice are well beyond actual alpha states. if a game isn't already well polished and nearly complete, it isn't ready to present on steam. impatient, opinionated young gamers on there will take one look and tear it up. you have one shot to catch thier interest and that requires great graphics, fun and easily identified game play, and/or something really compelling and unique in a good way. explanations and excuses will not change the public perception.

this is meant to be constructively critical, and I hope you will take it that way.

more specific to this game, it is too random to be taken seriously and not random enough to be taken humorously. with modern gyms and clothing, gladiator armor and swords feel out of place and shoved in. add in bars, dance clubs, zombies and it begins to feel that any random idea was just tacked on for the sake of having it in with no regard to how these things fit together (or don't)

the concept needs some refinement. if you want a serious game, drop the zombies, pick a time period and hold to it. if it is modern with jeans and gym weights, drop the sword and armor, or modernize it maybe replace it with a bat. if they want to go humorous, really make it wacky and over the top, make it absurd where people go WTF? while they are laughing. this is harder to do well, but allows for lower graphics quality to be more accepted.

I would suggest posting a wip here, give the project a chance to get feedback and develop in a community that understands the effort and difficulty that goes into making the game before presenting it to the critical public for sale. there are a lot of people here willing to help and support a good project.

think about it, good luck.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2015 05:02
I never said my game is the best one created ever, with best graphics and so on, I may have done mistakes by implementing too many things that could not fit together (but in my opinion could still give some fun).
However, if games like this has been approved:

I think that everyone has a chance...

Also, I think that a multiplayer for my game will get more people to like it, but so far I have not found anyone that could help me here in the forums to try to understand how can I setup a server that just keeps the list of the hosting games, that can be found by the clients to join.
Other from this I also didn't find a solution for the shadow of the character with more than 60 bones (and seems that there isn't a way to do that in dbpro), and didn't find a solution to add a depth of field effect to get the graphics better (so that far objects are blurred), if anyone could give me some advice on how to do this I think that these improvement will make the game a lot better
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Posted: 26th Jul 2015 08:13
Why do you need more than 60 bones per character?
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Posted: 26th Jul 2015 17:15
Because with makehuman the only way to have a character that can move decently the hands is by using a rig of around 80 bones, at least.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2015 04:31
After just 48 days on the Greenlight, Lift It has been approved on Steam!

The Release will probably range from 1 month up to 3-4 months, in these days I will ultimate the last things, and then I will upload it on my steamworks account testing it with some friends.
The part I need to test more is probably the multiplayer as of now I have tested it only on LAN (and there it works without any problem).
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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 04:46
Congrats man!
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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 05:31
Thank you
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 18:05
Lift it is now available on steam:

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