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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9 Vanilla, v120.17] SuperAwesomeDungeonCrawler [Total Rebuild]

Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 29th Aug 2015 19:18 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 15:02
First off the most important thing:

Thanks for the Support! You all made this game possible, testing, helping, making mods, provide script syntax, as Far as im concerned anyone who has written or responded to me, or wrote anything that helped me in anyway deserves a huge part of the credit for this project, espescially those of you who devoted your time and effort to testing and leaving feedback regarding this project. You are amazing all of you And I call upon you one final time!

and dont think for one second anyones time or support has gone unnoticed or unappreciated, at credits time I will return to both theses wip threads and EVERY contributor will be acknowledged, the help, support, time and effort of everyone here made this game possible and as far as i care your all part of the team

Whats new?

This Is finally a version of the game I consider to be a fully fledged actual game, or at least the beginning of, this is essentially the version that will be the first public release of the game, the version I approach IndieDB with, Steam, maybe even kickstarter and patreon depending on reception.

What I Need?

QA testing essentially.

I know all of you have been awesome and devoted more time to this project through playing and leaving feedback than I ever expected, but what I need to know really is if this new updated Alpha build is worth taking down those avenues.

Whats new?

-Added Dynamic Objective System
-Added Hub world/overworld in form of 1980's era bedroom,accessing various game worlds within the game through loading different games into the PC
-Added fully functional VCR to overworld along with 4 vhs tapes with public domain content each at least 6 minutes long, one a full 90 minute public domain sci fi movie (Assignment Outer Space)
-Added Tutorial system with dynamic tool tips
-Fully fleshed out all the books within the world with various stories, facts, tutorial information, level information (clues, key locations etc)
-Increased the variety and reliability of the dynamic pointer system (Added new functions, more pointers and better accuracy)
-Rewrote 90% of the diaglogue and reworked many of the assets
-added intro splash crediting both the FPSC Engine and Black Ice Mod Directly
-added story intro fmv over load screens
-developed a smooth transition into and out of load screens through clever hud manipulation
-added read me with current known bugs and EULA
-added an EULA acceptance screen to game launch
-reworked the sound design
-added game main menu
-Completely reworked lighting after reimplementation of BlackIce into the project
-added twitter info to game over and game won screens
-added extra sarcasm
-added easter eggs and multiple pop culture references
-added new sound effects
-added achievement system
-optimized many of the scripts removing duplicate common functions to setuplevel.fpi rather than repeated game scripts calling them redundantly
-reduced reliance on variable system in favour of activated=x
-reduced polygon count considerably to aid fps
-increased many of texture resolutions for crisper assets
-currently locked resolution at 1680 x 1050 (this can be changed in setup.ini but may result in hud inconsistencies)
-disabled all shaders to aid performance, they can be turned on via setup.ini but its recommended not to as this is likely to cause many texture inconsistencies
-restructured game to make more narrative sense
-general bug fixing, fine tuning and polish

And I think thats about it! Download it here

Title: Super Awesome Dungeon Crawler

Current Build: V3.0.6 Alpha V0.0.1

Story The worlds of all the different games that exist are merging as they intermingle throughout the internet, this has lead to instability in the worlds and the formation of a council of elders who summon you the player as avatar to seperate the worlds and restore order to the internet.

You are Simon Calypso, a college dropout who returns home, boots up his genuine replica 1980's era ICBM PC and uses it to enter into various games via this PC and other Peripherals to seperate the worlds, fulfill the prophecy and save the cheerleader, no wait, the world!

Developer: Grumpy Munky Game Design

Download: here

In Game Screen shots:

So Please Give it a try and let me know what you all Think [i]

smoke em if you got em
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Posted: 30th Aug 2015 18:18 Edited at: 30th Aug 2015 18:33
Sinister Spoon
Downloading now. Will let you know how it goes
Your screenshots do have a cleaner look, are you using
the new HD texture version?

Just played the first 5-10mins into the game and wanted to
tell you what an awesome improvement The hud's and
overall game experience is fantastic! To anyone else
that loves playing games you have to try this out.
You wont be disappointed!
Great work Sinister Spoon.

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Posted: 31st Aug 2015 11:57

Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 31st Aug 2015 16:48
Thanks guys!

@Mrigranka Yup. Spotless

@NcMako, super glad you like it, your reaction made me really smile

Not sure what you meant by HD texture version though..its just literally vanilla FPSC updated to v120.17 with shaders off and dynamic lighting and shadows on, I just used 1024x1024 png's instead of the 512x512 I was using before, but I scale all my models in sketchup, draw right onto the model in sketchup so I can make it look how I want in real time, then align each face, print screen, and then paste it onto a blank 1024 image at its current resolution (the resolution it was modelled at) All the textures go on one large map so say a table and a bottle are on the same map, the textures are relative so the bottle textures would be smaller to scale with the table so that when the textures are applied in game they are all at the same resolution regardless of Item size or etc. Also I was using 512 textures for the segments and they were always going to be place holder, you can see some legacy of this in the ceiling tiles where I didnt redo the floor of the layer above.

Ive run the build files through a version of fpsc with black Ice modded into, it doesnt seem to work right on my machine with shaders on so all the shaders are turned off in both versions.

Download of that version attached to this post.

In the title post its just vanilla fpsc, with dynamic lights and shadows on, and in this version its the same set up but with a Black Ice Modded Fpsc.

Just for comparison reasons really and the fact that the culling in black ice is way better (noticed in the vanilla one certain items werent culled when they should have been, only seemed to affect the goblets mainly)

But yeah its personal Preference which version folks want to download and play Though I didnt completely redo the Icon/HUD system which Il update into the title post later today too.

smoke em if you got em


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Posted: 1st Sep 2015 11:04
I'm glad you still working on this as its a nice clean game and plays very well.

Both versions play at full speed for me and work very well apart from v1.20 beta 17 has the culling issues but this was fixed in later version of fpsc in the unofficial versions.

Keep up the good work as this game is nice and original to see.

best s4real

Amd fx4100,6gb ram,geforce 450
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Posted: 1st Sep 2015 19:02
Nice !
I don't know why but this version seems more appealing than the previous one... maybe because its levels are brighter.

Keep it up !

Utinni !
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Posted: 16th Sep 2015 03:38
COOL! I love it when people show what can be done in a new and innovative way. If anyone still isn't sure that FPSC can make a great game, they need to check this out. Sooo much better than a run-and-gun. Thanks for sharing and filling my head with new ideas. Now I'll never get to sleep you #F%/(!


I'm sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.
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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 03:43
I really like this. I thought this was going to be like Spookys House of Jump Scares which would have been fine but it instead, it's something totally different and unpredictable.

The entire game ran fine on my system... I'm using Windows 10 with NVIDIA GeForce, AMD FX 8350 blah...blah Bleh! and I had no problems even after leaving it running while my computer took a nap.

The presentation was good... I literally have "No" critiques for this game at this time. Great work!
Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 24th Sep 2015 19:39
Thanks for all the feedback guys!

Believe me I havent let this die and return today with a HUGE new update!

This is essentially a Pre Release Alpha that Id like you guys to check
out and essentially let me know if its good enough to actually start
gearing up for a public release!

The support from everyone here has been amazing and the reception the game got espescially from longstanding and much respected forum members means a huge amount!

See the first post for a newly updated download and I cant wait to hear what you guys think!

Its really come a long way and so much of it is down to the support not just in regards to people playing it and feeding back but questions answered, coding tips, assets, mods, scripts the amount this game owes to generosity of forum members is massive

So even if you have played it before please if you can take a few moments to check out where the game has gone, and as I say basically just let me know if its worthy of public release/steam greenlight/ patreon/ kickstarting etc Id really like this game to go somewhere and with a little support It just might so yeah!

Thanks again for all the support and please please check it out

Download in first post

smoke em if you got em
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Playing: FPSC Multiplayer Games
Posted: 26th Sep 2015 03:33 Edited at: 26th Sep 2015 03:36
Awesome gameplay! The humor is great and the tasks work very well. I really enjoyed it. This is the most innovative and best executed project I've seen to date. This is definitely a BOTB. Just a couple of minor things...

1. I still see random text flash quickly on the screen, too fast to read.
2. When you read a book that's really long, is there a way to escape it or do you have to read to the end?

Thanks for the fun.

I'm sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.
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Posted: 26th Sep 2015 05:17
Sinister Spoon
Great, downloading now. can't wait to play this

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 26th Sep 2015 14:04 Edited at: 26th Sep 2015 14:09
Hey guys thanks for trying it for me!

@xplosys - Thanks for the feedback! (who do I see for the BOTB tag under my name now jk) but Yeah I think both the issues you reported are to do with the way the books are currently set up, since it uses pickoject,combined with plrdist commands and the prompt is fpgcrawtext which as we all know can only display one line at a time, I think whats happening in the instances that generate the flashing text is that your actually unknowingly highlighting 2 books but cos fpgcrawtext is so limited its displaying only one, so you click, both books read the mouseclick command and start their scripts, since they arent set to always active u finish one, walk away and then text starts flashing on screen as the game slowly cycles the fpgcrawtext commands from the 2nd book that you didnt realise was active.

What I'll do is insert a 'press c' to close the book command so if that happens again pressing c should counter it, in addition to maybe a check to see if the player has walked away or is still reading the book, maybe a raycast condition? I never mesed with raycasts tho, when I first got fpsc they werent implemented or working right, so i never bothered learning them.

But that should address both the issues hopefully!


@ncmako - Hope you like it! always makes me smile seeing your name pop up in these threads lol your like a really awesome helpful cheery shadow ^_^ cant wait to hear what you think!

Theres been another newer version since I posted the update (I know I know!! But I want it to be perfect, all it really does is remove one of the tutorial toasters and add an end credits video but still lol) Course yourself, xplosys, s4 everyone who tested it is credited as a QA Tester (pretty long list!) as well as everyone contributing music, sfx etc anything like that

So what you think? Is it a GAME game, or just a good fpsc hobby project? I really want it to go somewhere but im scared the general public is gonna tear it to pieces

smoke em if you got em
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Posted: 27th Sep 2015 07:27
This is fun and amusing. years ago there was one of those terrible video footage quick time games called "FORK IN TH TALE" and it actually stared Rob Schneider. It was quirky at best but I actually liked it. This game reminds me of it. It may not be a defining piece but it's a great distraction. I know I put some time into playing it just to see what happens next.

If that doesn't help... well I have bought worse games on Steam.

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