I have some http code that sends PUT commands via some PHP code that works on PC but not on iOS or Mac.
I've logged the url to a file in my PHP at the start to show what data is coming in from the URL and it doesn't even connect on Mac or iOS if there are spaces or quotes in the URL. I literally had to encode quotes as an asterisk and then convert all asterisks back to quotes in the PHP code to get it to work. It's very strange.
So for this code:
url1$ = "/Parse/curl.php?headers=["+adin("X-Parse-Application-Id:" +Parse.AppID)+","
url2$ = adin("X-Parse-Master-Key:"+Parse.MasterKey)+"]"
url4$ = "&url=https://api.parse.com/"+command
url5$ = "&method=POST"
url6$ = "&data="
str$ = url1$ + url2$ + url4$ + url5$ + url6$
the adin function puts quotes around the string. In this format the string doesn't send, but if I change the adin function to add '*' in place of quotes the url will send to my PHP code.