@CJB: You are correct! That's exactly what I would like from AGK: More control over ads.
Why not follow the trends which uses in-game advertisements, but without ruining player experience? If we make a game that gradually unlocks all its features to the players, but requires a certain number of (non intrusive) ads to be displayed then everyone would be happy. The problem as I see it with AppGameKit (at the moment) is that there is no way for the developer to check if the request for ad-displaying has been complete, that is if the ad was fetched from the ad-server and displayed properly on screen, so that there is income. If the player just switches off the networking in his device, no ad will be displayed, no money will be made, no way the developer can decide if another step towards unlocking the game has been made.
If someone thinks I sound a bit irrational, he just ignores that the habits of the people who buy mobile games have changed, because... nobody buys anymore! Players (in their great majority) expect either completely free games, or titles with lots of free content before they decide if they like to buy an iap.
Take for example the mistreatment (through the review system) of the excellent game named "Monument Valley" for iOS (you can read the story here: http://toucharcade.com/2014/11/12/one-star-reviews-flood-monument-valley-following-paid-expansion-release/). There were people who gave 1 star to this amazing game, simply because the developers decided to make the expansion of THEIR GAME as paid downloadable content!!!
It's insanity and its also the fault of some big companies that free and free-to-play games flooded the various app-stores. But that's what players like & demand from mobile games nowadays.