agk_MeshDiffuse works perfectly
I also noticed that when using animations , the animations dont work if i use my own shader, only when using the default shaders. ( it do display the object, but only the first frame ).
making a small demo and just needed this:
distToCamera = gl_Position.z;
gl_FragColor = mix(gl_FragColor, vec4(fogColor, gl_FragColor.w), clamp(distToCamera/CameraRange,0.00,1.00) );
(not a huge problem)
SetObjectScale dont work with animated objects , but SetObjectScalePermanent do work!
Animations only seams to work when using direct x .x files. ( tried some of the other supported formats with no luck ).
InstanceObject , CloneObject or using ( CreateMemblockFromObjectMesh(1,objectid,1) : newobj=CreateObjectFromMeshMemblock(1) ) none of these works.
Overall everything works great in this release , thanks
best regards Preben Eriksen,