Please comment if you have any thoughts on this code of mini map for rpg style game.
sync on : sync rate 0
backdrop on
REM load an image
load image "C:\Users\lusi\Desktop\Treasure_Map.png", 4
create bitmap 1,screen width(),screen height()
global widthMax
global heightMax
global DIAMETER = 128
global RADIUS = 64
paste image 4,0,40
`Paste the map to bitmap 1, then make image memblock for
`minimap, and draw the minimap, then sprite the minimap back to camera 1.
set current bitmap 1
`Draw minimap circle(DIA = DIAMETER)
`How much is ok to update depends on the map
if timer() >= timestamp+400
if mouseWithin(128,128,screen width(),screen height()) = 1
get image 5,mousex()-RADIUS,mousey()-RADIUS,mousex()+RADIUS,mousey()+RADIUS
timestamp = timer()
set current bitmap 0
text 0,0,"screen fps: "+str$(screen fps())
text 0,20,"mouseWithin:"+str$(mouseWithin(0,0,screen width(),screen height()))
if offsetDone = 0
sprite 2,screen width()-RADIUS, RADIUS, 3
offset sprite 2,RADIUS,RADIUS
offsetDone = 1
if spacekey() = 1 and spaceFlag = 0
z = z +rnd(2)-rnd(2)
rotate sprite 2,z
if spacekey() = 0 then spaceFlag = 0
`Just call argb() like you would rgb(), but send an extra variable for alpha.
function argb2(r, g, b, a)
col = a<<24 || r<<16 || g<<8 || b
endfunction col
Rem LW - Function to draw circle depeding on cooldown
Function drawCircle(Dia As Integer)
REM create a memblock from the image
make memblock from image 1, 5
widthMax = memblock dword(1,0)
heightMax = memblock dword(1,4)
Lock Pixels
For x = 1 To DIA
For y = 1 To DIA
If SQRT((x-DIA/2)*(x-DIA/2) + (y-DIA/2)*(y-DIA/2)) < DIA/2
if y <= DIA
readLocation = point ((mousex()-100-DIA/2)+x,(mousey()-DIA/2)+y)
location = ((y-1)*widthMax + x - 1)*4 + 12
write memblock dword 1, location, readLocation
``Clear corners arround minimap
location = ((y-1)*widthMax + x - 1)*4 + 12
write memblock dword 1, location, argb2(255, 255, 255, 0)
Next y
Next x
Unlock Pixels
make image from memblock 3, 1
function mouseWithin(StartX as integer,StartY as integer,EndX as integer,EndY as integer)
if mousex() => StartX and mousex()<= EndX and mousey() => StartY and mousey() <= EndX
moouseIs = 1
endfunction moouseIs
EDIT: Better version of the code, more fps.Actually i get max fps with it, as if there is just FPS command runing in main loop.
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