Awesome WORK.
some ideas:
random map generator - for each time you open the app.
but once the app is opened more then once it will ask you to select the last played map or new map .
the idea of playing an old map is if you want to challenge a friend pherhaps you should save the maps that you "WON" for challenging them later on...
but theres a big problem , how can you be sure that the map's highest point is the reachable ?
the easiest way I see doing that is :
build a simple math algo , that states that there has to be at least one that is close enough from "running to tip and jumping to the next" - the distance and the Jump Max Height from that point divided by the gravity forces that always pull you..
so for one weeks work this is pretty amazing especially for a newbie in AGK.
but with a map Gen the game will be unstoppable and will probably stay on my phone for years.. (new map.. everytime... why not ? )
and what about scenery ?
since you mentioned they are orbiting
Huge planets ? Suns ?
Gameplay Gravity influenced by large objects that are flying by ?