I have searched a lot for how to declare arrays in C++, but I still come up empty handed :-(
I would like to know: How to define a multidimensional array, how to assign a value to a spot in a multidimensional array.
I have this:
int work_map_info [4];
int calculated_path [1][1];
int return_line_of_fire_path [1][1];
int temp_value = 2;
return_line_of_fire_path [1][1] = temp_value;
I have also tried things like calculated_path as int[1][1].
Using the documentation for AppGameKit Tier 2 does not help, it wont compile using those instructions. I searched for a lot of C++ help, but it still wont compile using the help I get on the net :-P
EDIT: AHA! You cannot assign data to variables and arrays outside loop/functions and the likes
The byte chrunchers are coming...