In the video below you will see that the hoop z-order jumps forwards as the camera moves towards it. I don't know if I have done something wrong, or it is a bug.
1. Hoops are standard planes with a transparent PNG texture.
2. Hoop plains
dissect the track. i.e they are supposed to look like the track travels through them.
3. Track is a mesh made from a memblock. The hoops represent the start/end of each track section (object)
4. If I break each track section up into 100 smaller sections, the result is the same.
5. The track objects datum point is the start of each section (where the hoops are)
6. Sometimes the track in from of the hoop drops behind, but tracks further back are seen in front of the hoop!
7. I have tried both Cull modes of the track, with the same result.
8. I have tried untextured plains for the hoops, with the same result.
Any ideas???
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