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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / Cannot get sprite to display, only a checkerboard with a red X in the center (AGK2 C++)

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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 19:11
I have tried putting my image in a multitude of different directories related to my project, but I cannot seem to get it to display. I only see a checkerboard with a red X. (image attached) Where do the image files need to be?
I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have been putting the image in the project directory (and tried all of the related directories.)


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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 20:46
images need to be in a directory called "media" in your project directory. (this is for tier1, i'm assuming it's the same for teir2)
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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 21:56
Thanks, but no. That did not work. Does anyone know where I can find some good tier 2 documentation?
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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 08:28
Some platforms, like Android, is case sensitive. So Image.jpg is not the same as image.jpg, PICture.png is not the same as picture.png When you put your images in your media folder then (as far as I recall) you don't put media in the path, use LoadImage(1,"image.jpg") to load the file image.jpg located in media folder. When you use a load media command, it automatically looks in the media folder. You can make sub folders in media folder, like "media/images/image.jpg", to load this you use LoadImage(1,"images/image.jpg"), again, you leave out "media" from the file path. Use forward slashes for seperators in file paths, AppGameKit will put the right seperator in the file path on the given platform, i.e. on Windows platforms, AppGameKit will put \ backward slash in file paths. If I have been unclear, feel free to ask
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 09:10 Edited at: 10th Jan 2016 09:24
After you compile, put the image or folder with images in your newly built folder of finished app "Final" or "Debug" instead of the project directory with template.sln.
A:\VS Project\Final //put files here inside new folder that contains your exe
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Posted: 12th Jan 2016 06:45
There are quite a few examples in C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK\Projects\Native

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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 01:30 Edited at: 13th Jan 2016 01:37
..Really? I don't have a folder named Native. I only see tier 1 examples in the projects folder. Searched root of agk for *.sln and *.cpp shows the platform templates for each OS.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 01:56
That was AGK1 not AGK2.
There are quite a few .cpp projects in there though.
Have you installed AGK1?
Maybe you could do that just for the examples
In the Native/Windows directory there are 58 projects including the sample games they have published

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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 07:12 Edited at: 13th Jan 2016 08:44
Yeah ok,those are alright I guess. I thought I might have deleted something getting rid of showcase folder

I still use the agk editor alot, I can d/l it real fast if I am on the run and come up with an idea,
it's nice and light for netbooks when I delete the tier 2 & projects folders to save space
instead of carry around all those platform

You can change language tab to C++ on the documentation pages and it has the examples page too!

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