The game looks nice so far and it is an interesting concept for sure. I did a gyro + render image based program for the AppGameKit 2014 competition take a look at the code if you want, requires no media to run.
// Project: Floating Squares
// Created: 2014-10-17
// By: Magnus Esko
This project demonstrates how to..
..use the virtual resolution to handle multiple resolutions
..code for varying framerates
..use an array to manipulate multiple sprites and apply accelerometer data
..detect multiple touches
..render to a render-image
This is a very physical demonstration and is best to test on a phone or tablet.
But there are also keyboard and mouse controls so you can test this on your PC/Mac.
A bunch of colorful squares are randomly created and you can move them around
by tilting your phone or touching the screen. The squares are rendered to a separate
image over and over, to create colorful trails. Try playing around with it and you
will discover various ways to manipulate the squares.
On PC/Mac you can use the arrow keys to simulate tilting and the mouse to simulate touiching.
Because we are using multitouch we need to check for touch and mouse separately.
Otherwise AGK has pointer commands that accepts both single touch and mouse.
// you can play around with these constant values to alter the result
#constant number_of_squares 200
#constant friction 50
#constant finger_force 100
#constant gravity 100
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a type to handle various data
type datatype
x as float
y as float
speedx as float
speedy as float
forcex as float
forcey as float
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setting up the screen
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// naming our window on PC/Mac
SetWindowTitle( "Floating Squares" )
// variable to store the screen aspect
global aspect as float
aspect = GetDisplayAspect()
// variable to store the virtual resolution
// we use a virtual resolution that is 1000 pixels high
// and use the screen aspect to calculate the virtual with
global screen as datatype
screen.x = 1000*aspect
screen.y = 1000
// using a virtual resolution makes things a lot easier, works regardless of actual screen resolution
// this ensures that whatever we create is scaled to fit the screen
// since we use a variable virtual with, a wide screen like on PC/Mac will have more room
// if we didn't allow for either a variable with or hight, we would get either a stretched image or black borders
SetVirtualResolution( screen.x, screen.y )
// creating a render image and sprite to use for motion blur
// mobile devices are limited in image sizes, they must be a power by 2 value on each axis
// maximum size on each axis is usually 1024, on a PC or Mac you are not limited like this
// here we select between two different ones depending on if the screen is wide or tall
if screen.x > screen.y
renderimage = createrenderimage( 1024, 512, 0, 0 )
renderimage = createrenderimage( 512, 1024, 0, 0 )
rendersprite = createsprite(0)
setspriteimage( rendersprite, renderimage )
// this sprite fills the render image with black to fade out the bluring
black = CreateSprite( 0 )
setspritesize( black, screen.x, screen.y )
SetSpriteColor( black, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
// we set it at a high depth to ensure it's behind everything else
SetSpriteDepth( black, 1000 )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating sprites
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// creating an array to store values for our squares
dim square[number_of_squares] as datatype
// setting up sprites
for i = 1 to square.length
// creating aprites
square[i].id = CreateSprite( 0 )
// randomly sizing them
square[i].size = random(10,25)
SetSpriteSize( square[i].id, square[i].size, square[i].size )
// bigger squares on top of smaller ones gives a deapth feeling
SetSpriteDepth( square[i].id, 100-square[i].size )
// this function places all squares on the screen
// coloring the sprites in different colors, this code ensures they are bright but not white
SetSpriteColor(square[i].id, random( 100, 230 ), random( 100, 230 ), random( 100, 230 ), 255 )
temp = random( 1, 3 )
select temp
case 1 : SetSpriteColorRed( square[i].id, 255 ) : endcase
case 2 : SetSpriteColorGreen( square[i].id, 255 ) : endcase
case 3 : SetSpriteColorBlue( square[i].id, 255 ) : endcase
next i
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declaring other variables
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variable to store device tilting
global tilt as datatype
// variable to store the time it takes to do a loop
// this means we can make everything move the same speed even if the framerate drops
global looptime as float
// variable to store screen touching state
// state 0 = no touch
// state 1 = touch started outside reset area
// state 2 = touched reset area
global touchstate
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating text
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// turn off filtering for the text to make it look crisp
// instruction text at the top of the screen
global text_top
text_top = CreateText( "Tilt IT and Poke IT!" )
settextsize( text_top, 42 )
// alignment of 1 means the text is centered around it's position
SetTextAlignment( text_top, 1 )
// here we use our virtual with (screen.x) to place the text in the center
SetTextPosition( text_top, screen.x/2, 20 )
SetTextColor(text_top, 80, 80, 80, 255 )
// instruction text at the bottom
global text_bottom
text_bottom = CreateText( "Touch bottom to reset" )
settextsize( text_bottom, 42 )
SetTextAlignment( text_bottom, 1 )
// here we also use our virtual height (screen.y) to position the text 60 pixels up from the bottom of the screen
SetTextPosition( text_bottom, screen.x/2, screen.y -60 )
SetTextColor(text_bottom, 80, 80, 80, 255 )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main loop starts here
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updating various things
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// store the time it took to do the loop
looptime = GetFrameTime()
// change the alpha of the black sprite depending on the current framerate
temp = looptime * 1200
// if the alpha is too low we will get noticeable ghosting, so this line limits it to 20
if temp < 20 then temp = 20
SetSpriteColorAlpha( black, temp )
// reading the device accelerometer
tilt.x = GetRawAccelX()
tilt.y = GetRawAccelY()
// faking accelerometer with arrow keys to test on PC/Mac
if GetRawKeyState(37) then tilt.x = -0.7
if GetRawKeyState(38) then tilt.y = -0.7
if GetRawKeyState(39) then tilt.x = 0.7
if GetRawKeyState(40) then tilt.y = 0.7
// apply gravity
tilt.x = tilt.x * gravity / 100
tilt.y = tilt.y * gravity / 100
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checking for a reset
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// reset squares with touch
if GetRawTouchCurrentY( 1 ) > 900 and touchstate = 0
touchstate = 2
// reset squares with mouse
if GetRawMouseLeftPressed() and GetRawMouseY() > 900
touchstate = 2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Applying forces and updating sprites
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// going through all our sprites
for i = 1 to square.length
// applying the device tilting as force
square[i].forcex = tilt.x
square[i].forcey = tilt.y
// if within reach of any finger then apply force
if GetRawTouchCount(1) > 0 and touchstate < 2
for t = 1 to GetRawTouchCount(1)
if abs( square[i].x + square[i].size/2 - GetRawTouchCurrentX(t) ) <= finger_force and abs( square[i].y + square[i].size/2 - GetRawTouchCurrentY(t) ) <= finger_force
square[i].forcex = ( square[i].x + square[i].size/2 - GetRawTouchCurrentX(t) ) / 5000 * finger_force
square[i].forcey = ( square[i].y + square[i].size/2 - GetRawTouchCurrentY(t) ) / 5000 * finger_force
next t
touchstate = 1
// if within reach of the mouse then apply force
if GetRawMouseLeftState() and touchstate < 2
if abs( square[i].x + square[i].size/2 - GetRawMouseX() ) <= finger_force and abs( square[i].y + square[i].size/2 - GetRawMouseY() ) <= finger_force
square[i].forcex = ( square[i].x + square[i].size/2 - GetRawMouseX() ) / 5000 * finger_force
square[i].forcey = ( square[i].y + square[i].size/2 - GetRawMouseY() ) / 5000 * finger_force
// altering the speed of the square depending on it's force, using friction
square[i].speedx = square[i].speedx + ( square[i].forcex - square[i].speedx ) * friction / 1000.0 * looptime*60
square[i].speedy = square[i].speedy + ( square[i].forcey - square[i].speedy ) * friction / 1000.0 * looptime*60
// altering the coordinates of the sprites depending on the speed
// larger squares are "closer" to the screen and will move faster
square[i].x = square[i].x + ( square[i].speedx * square[i].size * looptime * 50.0 )
square[i].y = square[i].y + ( square[i].speedy * square[i].size * looptime * 50.0 )
// making sure the squares stay within the screen
// force and speed is then set to 0 for that axis
if square[i].x <= 0
square[i].x = 0
square[i].forcex = 0
square[i].speedx = 0
if square[i].x >= screen.x - square[i].size
square[i].x = screen.x - square[i].size
square[i].forcex = 0
square[i].speedx = 0
if square[i].y <= 0
square[i].y = 0
square[i].forcey = 0
square[i].speedy = 0
if square[i].y >= screen.y - square[i].size
square[i].y = screen.y - square[i].size
square[i].forcey = 0
square[i].speedy = 0
SetSpritePosition( square[i].id, square[i].x, square[i].y )
next i
// reset touchstate when nothing touches the screen
if GetRawTouchCount(1) = 0 and GetRawMouseLeftState() = 0
touchstate = 0
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Drawing to the screen
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// when using motion blur we don't use sync, instead we will render to our render image
setrendertoimage( renderimage, 0 )
// setting render back to the screen
// set the render sprite visible and to fill the screen
setspritevisible( rendersprite, 1 )
SetSpriteSize( rendersprite, screen.x, screen.y )
// draw the render sprite and update the screen
drawsprite( rendersprite )
// hide the render sprite
setspritevisible( rendersprite, 0 )
// exit out of the program when the alt key or Android back button is pressed.
if GetRawKeyPressed(27) then end
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function resetsquares()
// this function resets the squares
for i = 1 to square.length
// placing sprites around the screen, regardless of screen size
square[i].x = random( screen.x*0.1, screen.x*0.9 )
square[i].y = random( screen.y*0.1, screen.y*0.9 )
SetSpritePosition( square[i].id, square[i].x, square[i].y )
// resetting the values in the array
square[i].forcey = 0
square[i].speedy = 0
square[i].forcex = 0
square[i].speedx = 0
next i