Well check back about 6 months, when Blitzcoder went down for a few weeks, we had nothing but Blitz trolls wandering the place starting rubbish. I've been outright flamed on a number of occasions, I even had one guy come over and log in expecially just to tell me he hated me and always has! - I nearly wet myself laughing, he was like a stroppy 13 year old!
I bring it on myself half the time though, I'm not exactly patient with most of them. I don't have a problem with most blitzers or blitz, but I hate arrogance and bull - so when the trolls come out and start spouting, that really annoys the hell outta me. Blitzers have the official forum and Blitzcoder, we have the official forum and had RGT - now RGT is partially blitz and C++ - seems a bit unfair to have to share a forum that was built on the DB communities determination.
The most annoying thing about the whole situation is the attitude to DB that they have over at Blitzcoder, I got roasted for going into the gen discussion board and mentioning VANseam, simply because it was made in DB and it was a Blitz board, I have no doubt that I'd get similar comments today if I posted about it again. At LLRGT they'll be banned for flaming, but I've still read umpteen posts about how great Blitz is compared to DBPro, made mostly by blitzers!.
If anyone fancies a trip down memory lane, here's a link to the worlds longest ever DB vs Blitz flamefest!:
Next time he runs past, GRAB HIM!