Hi All,
Been playing with the funky new terrain features, nice!
Had to be done... 5 detail texture and colourmap version...
Works by using all 4 channels on a key texture, this allows 4 textures plus a default detail texture... this would be the texture that you'd use the most. The texture key is a bloody nightmare to make in an art package... the shader has a DBPro counterpart and in progress terrain editor that will support these.
I wonder if we can convince Paul to add terrain vertex adjustments, then we won't have to worry about heightmap greyscale stepping. If I have time, I'll add a memblock generator function to create the key texture, then it'll be better for people who just want to get stuck in and not worry about decorating terrains so much.
Please post any further mods you do, improvements to the shader, better example, whatever - collaboration yielded the best results with DBPro terrains, back in the long ago