It'll be 3D, first-person camera view, with a Pixar solid color style look. The game will play similar to the Elder Scrolls games with a minimum amount of gui elements on screen. Never thought of adding physics to the combat (I assume?) The later Elder Scroll games had a physics system added to their combat and it gave it a whole other dimension. I wasn't expecting to get that complicated for this 7 day challenge, but for the final project that's a great idea!
Or just adding it for maybe rag-dolls or basic objects. One of the room types are puzzle room and trap room, so using a physics system for like falling rocks or a pressure plate puzzle would be cool to have.
I wanted to give you a gameplay overview, it's not your typical first person rogue like dungeon crawler.
1// So basically the game starts with a simple character generator, it's a streamlined system where you're given two options at a time on screen and you just select which option using either the left mouse button ( 1st selection) or right mouse button ( 2nd selection). This is similar to Mass Effect 2's paragon/vanguard selection moments. Once you've done 3 selections, it generates your character's class and you give yourself a name, and you can put in a seed variable.
2// Next the game starts you off in the starting room. Each room is a large cube room and each room has a unique look based on the type of room. There's 4 doors leading to the next cube room, a door on each wall. In the middle of the room is your starting equipment and a Labyrinth Codex, an ancient artifact that will help you solve the puzzle that is the labyrinth.
3// The goal of the game is to navigate the rooms. When you enter a doorway, it closes behind you and locks so you're unable to go back. So after the starting room, each room has 3 options. Each room type is linked to 3 other specific types of rooms. So when you enter a room, to help you solve the puzzle, you should write down the type of room and once you enter a door way and see what that room type is, write down that one of the rooms that leads from you previous room is your current one...make sense?
The best way to solve the room puzzles is to record your seed number so you can replay it many times! ;) Starting with the 'starting room', try out one door, record the type and than reset the game and try the next door. This way you can figure out what room types lead off the starting area. Next select one of those leading rooms and try it's three doors and record what types lead off that one. Reset, rinse, repeat.
4// In order to exit the Labyrinth with your life, you must defeat a portal boss who than drops an ancient key. With that key you must find an artifact room and open the artifact chest to grant you the 'portal key.' Once you get the portal key, you must find the portal room and use it to escape into your normal dimension.
With the Codex object, it'll help you solve puzzles and learn the ancient language that you see carved in various rooms. These carvings, once you've unlocked it's secrets, will help you navigate the labyrinth with ease, encase you decided to come back for more!
5// Here's a list of all the portal rooms and their descriptions:
I// Monster Encounter Room - 3 different types, each one has a random encounter with Labyrinth creatures you must fight
II// Treasure Room - a room with random treasure, and sometimes contains an old blind goblin that sells random items he finds on his journey to map the entire Labyrinth
III// Trap Room - what it implies, be careful or be dead
IV// Puzzle Room - solve a puzzle to obtain rare items or keys
V// Boss Room - big baddie awaits you here! these beasts also drop an ancient key that allows you to find the portal key
VI// Artifact Room - this room holds the portal key, but without an ancient key you can never obtain it
VII// Item/Equipment Room - these rooms hold equipment, usually in the form of partial store fronts that were teleported into this pocket dimension, or off dead adventurers or baddies that did not fare too well in the Labyrinth
VIII// Message Room - these rooms contain strange blocks of ancient language. by translating them you'll unlock clues to escape or navigate the massive Labyrinth
VIX// Portal Room - this room is your way home and back into normal space/time - Once you've unlocked the ancient codex and language of the labyrinth, you can use this portal room to teleport anywhere in the Labyrinth
Alright, hope the gives you an idea how the game works.
Hoping to make something fun and re-playable!