Hi Rick,
Its not re-created it will load any gg level that are using the standart media ( not dbo ) and real-time generate everything needed to display it using AGK. The purpose is to use GG as a world editor.
Yes if the lod2distance - lod1distance is set in the fpe file it will use it.
Currently AppGameKit will display the lowest lod level by default so i have something like this if lod levels are there to change to the best quality:
if ggmedialod2[ml] > 0
tmpmem = CreateMemblockFromObjectMesh( ggobjectid[ml], 1 )
Lod objects is created , but i dont currently change by distance, because when i profile a hole level it only cut down around 6% polygons from lod0 to lod2 , so it might be slower to change lod objects. In the default media there is not so many objects with lod, perhaps there is better lod in the new media packs ?
But yes in its current state it has lod,animations ( moving trees,charaters),collision ( you can run around, going up stairs ... ), all used media in a level is collected so you can copy it to your media folder and run it on a mobile device, well i seen a level running on my ipad but it was so slow
Currently im working on speeding things up, terrain first so im working on a basemap generator, so it can be used on mobiles.
best regards Preben Eriksen,