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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [STICKY] EAI Assets for FPSC (MP9/10/53/GCS)

Errant AI
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Posted: 13th May 2016 09:39
I've been away too long! I hope everyone that is still here is doing well.

As you all know, TGC discontinued the FPSC model packs and store some time ago to pave the way for Game Guru.

Since then, I've been getting requests every now and then from devs looking to purchase those assets.

I've tried to take care of everyone who's contacted me but sometimes emails fall through the cracks. For that, I do apologize.

As a hopeful solution to the issue at hand, I've set up a website/blog/thing that folks can use to browse and purchase my discontinued assets.

The address is

There, you will find Model Packs 9, 10, 53 and my GCS content. All of it is at a reduced price as well.

To top things off, enter this code for 20% off at checkout: 10YEARS
This code will remain valid until the 30th of May.

Please note that purchases on the site are time/download attempt limited. If you are like me and have awful wi-fi internet that likes to stall out on large downloads, I suggest intermittently pausing and then resuming the download via your browser's download manager. IE seems a bit more reliable with this than Chrome. Alternatively, customers have the option of downloading to their Dropbox account. If you don't use Dropbox, I highly recommend giving it a try. Here is my DB referral code (Will give you 500MB of bonus storage if you install the app).

I'm not a web wizard so please let me know if you run into any issues.

I've skimmed through the forums and am pretty sure that those who have made relevant posts looking for my media have been taken care of. That said, if anyone comes across new posts looking for my classic media, feel free to point them to this thread.

If anyone has any questions, don't be shy to ask.

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Posted: 14th May 2016 14:35
Awesome Errant. Glad to see these can still be purchased. If i read correctly, you can use these models in any game engine you want. I'll have to let others know about that.
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Errant AI
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Posted: 14th May 2016 21:57 Edited at: 14th May 2016 21:58
Yes, absolutely. Anything closed source, really.

Please do. About half the email inquiries I'd gotten seem to have been from Unity users.
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Posted: 14th May 2016 22:04
Errant AI
Terrific deal Going to grab some of these now before I let them slip again.
Thanks EAI
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Errant AI
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Posted: 14th May 2016 22:47
Awesome. Sorry it's taken me so long to put them up somewhere. Been busy and the discontinuation caught me a bit by surprise. Don't forget to use the discount code
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Posted: 28th May 2016 23:05
Excellent news. I'd purchased some of your wonderful models before, but have just paid for a copy of everything available through your site!

Very happy to see these top quality assets available again and, as always, I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Errant AI
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Posted: 30th May 2016 01:20
Bold move, Darkhalo2k!

Glad to see the good response so far. The 20% discount code "10YEARS" will be valid for a bit less than 14 more hours (07:00 AM PST) for anyone left wanting to take advantage of it.

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Posted: 30th May 2016 02:19
@Errant AI

Just bought the GCS pack, it was the only firearm-based pack I didn't have! The SCAR rifles are an awesome plus (I remember that youtube video from back in the day...!) Cheers, your work is awesome, and here's to the FPSC community as a whole! I look forward to seeing more of your work in Gameguru!
-Winner of the X10 Revival Competition, Susysyay
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Mr Love
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Posted: 7th Jul 2016 21:56
Im trying to buy some modelpacks but PayPal wont accept My Visa card(!) What can I do???
Errant AI
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Posted: 10th Jul 2016 21:45
@Susysyay - I hope they are working out well for you.

@Mr Love - I'm sorry that it hasn't been working for you. At what stage is your card not being accepted? Although I believe that it should be possible to pay with CC without an account, you may want to try linking the CC to a PP account. I've heard PayPal can be hit or miss with some cards from outside of the U.S. but don't personally know the best workarounds.
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Posted: 4th Oct 2016 16:22
Errant AI
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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 19:38 Edited at: 21st Nov 2016 19:40
Hello All!

Currently running a nice sale on my site until Nov.29th.

Use code: blacknovember

At checkout for a 50% discount
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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 23:09
That's a good deal. Might have to pick some up.
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Posted: 30th Nov 2016 00:03
Guess the sale ended at midnight on the 28th. Shucks!!!!!!!! i'll have to pick them up another time.
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Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 20:26
Quote: "Guess the sale ended at midnight on the 28th. Shucks!!!!!!!! i'll have to pick them up another time. "

Sorry about that! If you're still in the market, there's still a couple days left on my year-end sale.
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 23:07
Thanks for the heads up EAI. Just bought 3 of the packs. Have to get the soldier pack next time.
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Errant AI
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 03:21
Cool. I hope they work out for you. Thanks for the link drop on Ambiera too.
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 15:19
Quote: "Thanks for the link drop on Ambiera too"

No problem. I hope you get a lot of sales.
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Posted: 4th Jan 2017 09:23
Thanks for this Errant AI!
Errant AI
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 15:57
Happy Valentines Day!

Use Code FOREVERALONE for 50% off until next Tuesday at

Quick tip for old customers. If you bought stuff from the old GC Store and have since lost your local files you can access old purchases from
Seth Black
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Posted: 7th Mar 2017 04:45
Looks like a sweet deal for those who missed them before.


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