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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / 3d collision detection explanation

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Posted: 14th May 2016 07:14 Edited at: 14th May 2016 07:20 new to AppGameKit or GC product.Im going through 3d collision system for AppGameKit and get confused.
Maybe due to im getting use to blitz3d where i can set AN object collision on and type of the collision(box,sphere) and either it will stop or slide when collided with other 3d entity.
And also their is a linepick command in blitz3d where it will detect any 3d entity that within the line from THAT object(and the line will follow the object where ever it move)

But in AppGameKit im getting confuse with the concept especially with raycast,sphere cast with old_x,old_y,new_x,new_y.
Let say two object are moving both with collision on, who will perform that raycast command and which of the two that value old_x,old_y,new_x,new_y will be use?If i dont use any raycast command, will both moving obj with collision stop when collide?

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Posted: 24th May 2016 17:07
If you dont use raycast the objects will collide and stop ( at least if you use dynamic or static body, kinematic body will only collide with dynamic body). You dont really need raycast to make object interact with each other when they collide, you only use it when you want to see if there are objects (with collision) in the distance.
Note: i haven't tested it all but this is what i know.
Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 25th May 2016 19:23
The coffee is lovely dark and deep,and I have code to write before I sleep.
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Posted: 26th May 2016 03:07
Thanks for the replies...Stab, thanks but thats too hard for me

Can someone kindly please give an example of two cubes or sphere moving,collide and stop.Just for the sake of understanding.Thanks

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