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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / Problem with case in AppGameKit

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Joined: 30th Apr 2016
Posted: 18th May 2016 15:09
I have multiple array of different size. I have to select one array at a time and implement getPointerpressed() on that array next time another array. So i use case in do loop but the is not compiling showing compiling bar for some time them it makes device hang. Can you give me some solution?
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Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 18th May 2016 17:14
Can you show us some code, it should be easy to diagnose.
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Posted: 28th May 2016 08:20
What are the advantage of CASE compared to IF?
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Posted: 28th May 2016 10:51
I don't know about the performance advantages, but for more than a couple of conditions, CASE is much more readable.
It also automatically applies the rule of programming that as few lines as possible should be executed. A CASE statement ignores all alternative cases once a valid one is found.
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Posted: 28th May 2016 19:27
Quote: "A CASE statement ignores all alternative cases once a valid one is found."

Is that not the same as an If/Else If?
Using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 30th May 2016 00:53
Yes, but If / Else If is not as elegant, especially after the second one. Again I don't know the full technicalities, but I can see that a series of Else Ifs will have to unwind itself on the stack after resolving the logic. Additionally, a Case statement can be rationalised much better in the compiler, because all CASEs have equal weighting. In the If/Else construct, the compiler has to take your logic as it stands, because there may be dependencies within the ladder of statements.
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