LoadObjectWithChildren does not support .DAE files with textures and froget to set the correct scale, LoadObject does work like expected ib the same model.
The same Object loaded with LoadObject does show the textures and is scaled correctly.
I have even tried to apply an shader for animated models, but it was no help, the object still appears white.
The .DAE format is readable, so I managed to find all UV maps for Layer 0 and Layer 1, so they are existing in there and are shown correctly with the loadobject command.
I also figured out, that the .DAE format has a unit conversation scale factor float in the header. After I set the scale to that factor, the object "loadobjectwithchildren" object
had the same size as the regular one loaded with "loadobject". This is definitly some strange behaviour.
Is there any kind of shader that could fix the problem?
I have attached an example.
AGK Version: 2.019