Hi all,
Ive been searching the forums for information such as this but the thread opened seem unsolved...
I created simple cylinder with two bones and make it move like arm in blender(in action editor i named it "swing") and export it this are the result
1. blend format wont load even a cube(hahaha)
2..x format wont load if its contained bone, but cube,sphere or any model without bone load fine
3. fbx work with animation but with super ultra big size that i have to set the camera at z=3000
4.b3d format load the object but no animation
5.collada load fine and play animation with all paramater, when i set it to "swing" as in blender it wont play it.
As a free 3d modeller software, there should be a standard workflow or rules for Blender when modelling,rigging(i heard the bone limit is 40 and not even stated in HELP file) and the exporting it to certain "working" format.
Is there any?Please help