// set window properties
SetWindowTitle( "AGK" )
SetWindowSize( 1024, 768, 0 )
SetSyncRate( 60,0 )
// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1024, 768 )
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
SetCameraRange( 1, 0.1, 2000 )
// enable the sky box
SetSkyBoxVisible( 1 )
// load terrain detail texture with mipmapping enabled
LoadImage( 1, "detail.png" )
SetImageWrapU( 1, 1 )
SetImageWrapV( 1, 1 )
// load the terrain shader to give the terrain color based on height
LoadShader( 1, "Terrain.vs", "Terrain.ps" )
// create the terrain object from a height map
CreateObjectFromHeightMap( 1, "Mexico.png", 768, 50, 768, 1, 16 )
SetObjectImage( 1, 1, 0 )
SetObjectUVScale( 1, 0, 128, 128 ) // scale the detail texture so it repeats
SetObjectShader( 1, 1 )
SetCameraPosition(1, 383, 30, 383)
SetCameraLookAt( 1, 0,40,0,0 )
SetAmbientColor( 128,128,128 )
// buttons for mobile devices to control the camera
addvirtualbutton( 1, GetScreenBoundsRight()-45,GetScreenBoundsBottom()-45,80 )
addvirtualbutton( 2, GetScreenBoundsRight()-45,GetScreenBoundsBottom()-130,80 )
addvirtualbutton( 3, GetScreenBoundsLeft()+45,GetScreenBoundsBottom()-45,80 )
// add some atmospheric fog
SetFogMode( 1 )
SetFogColor( 161,183,209 )
SetFogRange( 50, 700 )
SetFogSunColor( 255,230,179 )
// camera starts in free mode
cameraMode = 0
// move the camera
speed# = 1.0
if ( GetRawKeyState( 16 ) ) then speed# = 0.1
if ( cameraMode = 1 ) then speed# = 0.25
if ( GetRawKeyState( 87 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalZ( 1, speed# )
if ( GetRawKeyState( 83 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalZ( 1, -speed# )
if ( GetRawKeyState( 65 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalX( 1, -speed# )
if ( GetRawKeyState( 68 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalX( 1, speed# )
if ( GetRawKeyState( 81 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalY( 1, -speed# )
if ( GetRawKeyState( 69 ) ) then MoveCameraLocalY( 1, speed# )
if ( getvirtualbuttonstate(1) = 1 ) then MoveCameraLocalZ( 1, -speed# )
if ( getvirtualbuttonstate(2) = 1 ) then MoveCameraLocalZ( 1, speed# )
// rotate the camera
if ( GetPointerPressed() )
startx# = GetPointerX()
starty# = GetPointerY()
angx# = GetCameraAngleX(1)
angy# = GetCameraAngleY(1)
pressed = 1
if ( GetPointerState() = 1 )
fDiffX# = (GetPointerX() - startx#)/4.0
fDiffY# = (GetPointerY() - starty#)/4.0
newX# = angx# + fDiffY#
if ( newX# > 89 ) then newX# = 89
if ( newX# < -89 ) then newX# = -89
SetCameraRotation( 1, newX#, angy# + fDiffX#, 0 )
// change camera mode
if ( GetVirtualButtonPressed(3) = 1 ) then cameraMode = 1-cameraMode
if ( cameraMode = 1 )
// stick camera to the terrain
x# = GetCameraX(1)
z# = GetCameraZ(1)
SetCameraPosition( 1, x#, GetObjectHeightMapHeight(1,x#,z#)+0.5, z# )
// move the sun
time# = time# + GetFrameTime()*0.5
xdir# = sin(time#)
ydir# = -0.5
zdir# = cos(time#)
SetSunDirection( xdir#, ydir#, zdir# )
// show some information
Print( "FPS: " + str(ScreenFPS(),1) )
Print( "Polygons: " + str(GetPolygonsDrawn()) )
Message: Terrain.exe does not work anymore
No debug mode, but nothing changes if I do