I found a bug in AppGameKit version 2.0.20 (the bug is also in version 2.0.19 and 2.0.15b and probably in other versions too).
Some of the Draw commands makes the program stop responding if the window is minimized (at least on my Win Vista x64 PC).
DrawBox() causes the bug if the filled flag is set to 1.
DrawEllipse() causes the bug no matter what the filled flag is set to.
DrawLine() seems to work fine.
Can anyone confirm this or is it just on my PC?
Here's some code to demonstrate the bug.
// Project: Misc Testing 4
// Created: 2016-07-16 by Ranietz
// AGK Version 2.0.20
// A program to demonstrate a bug with the Draw commands when the window (on Windows Vista x64)
// is minimized. Comment out the various Draw commands and minimize the window to see the effect.
// The pogram stops responding when the window is minimize while certain Draw commands are used.
// show all errors
// set window properties
SetWindowTitle( "Misc Testing 4" )
SetWindowSize( 1024, 768, 0 )
// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1024, 768 )
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
SetPrintSize( 16 )
SetSyncRate( 60, 0 )
// variable for the color red
red as integer
red = MakeColor(255,0,0)
// main loop
// The DrawBox command causes the app to stop responding when
// the window is minimized if the filled flag is set to 1.
DrawBox( 100, 100, 200, 200, red, red, red, red, 0 ) // this works
DrawBox( 400, 100, 500, 200, red, red, red, red, 1 ) // this fails
// The DrawEllipse command causes the app to stop responding when
// the window is minimized. It dosen't matter what the filled flag is set to.
DrawEllipse( 100, 500, 50, 75, red, red, 0 ) // this fails
DrawEllipse( 400, 500, 50, 75, red, red, 1 ) // this fails
// The DrawLine command seems to work as it should.
DrawLine( 800, 100, 900, 500, red, red ) // this works
// print stuff
Print( ScreenFPS() )
// update screen