I released my app early yesterday, and on my google admob, it said link your app. It takes about 12-24 hours for it to refresh, so I linked the app on the store just today and the ads still don't work. They worked fine when i broadcasted them onto my device straight from agk. Am I missing something? Did i not set up something correctly? The function I am using is
SetAdMobDetails ("ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXX")
function showad()
if GetFullscreenAdvertLoadedAdMob()=1
It is definitly connected properly because I get analytics and that information before it went onto the store.
And just incase you didn't know, linking the app is the option you get at the very bottom of the "home" tab in admob, just below the "montenize feature"
I just tested it there to make sure and the ad works again in the broadcast but not from the store. I have a reliable internet connection in an area supported by google ads.
Thank you for any help you can offer
Wear sunscreen. — Count Dracula