Thanks BatVink!
I was back at it finding the answer while you were posting...
SetObjectLightMode( objID, mode )
... mode needs to be zero to turn that off.
The old Skyboxes from FPSC work great in AppGameKit if you use their boxes.
They already have the box set up for 6 separate meshes, so it is a snap assigning those.
Just like the models, convert the DDS files to PNG files, and you're good to go.
Here is a code snippet if anyone wants to try one.... (use arrow keys to look around)
// Created: 2016-08-16
// set window properties
SetWindowTitle( "NeverNeverLAN" )
SetWindowSize( 1024, 768, 0 )
// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1024, 768 )
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
// Create the environment
//SetSkyBoxHorizonColor( 255, 8, 8 )
//SetSkyBoxHorizonSize( 4, 0 )
//SetSkyBoxSkyColor( 55, 55, 255 )
//SetSkyBoxSunColor( 255, 200, 150 )
//SetSkyBoxSunSize( 5, 50 )
SetCameraRange( 1, 1, 2000 )
// Declare and assign arrays and variables
DIM anim_name[50] as string
// Create our skybox
LoadObject(1000, "skys/space.x")
SetObjectScale(1000, 50, 50, 50)
SetObjectPosition(1000, 0,0,0)
SetObjectLightMode( 1000, 0 )
LoadImage(1001, "skys/spc_D.png")
LoadImage(1002, "skys/spc_R.png")
LoadImage(1003, "skys/spc_F.png")
LoadImage(1004, "skys/spc_U.png")
LoadImage(1005, "skys/spc_L.png")
LoadImage(1006, "skys/spc_B.png")
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 1, 1001, 0)
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 2, 1002, 0)
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 3, 1003, 0)
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 4, 1004, 0)
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 5, 1005, 0)
SetObjectMeshImage( 1000, 6, 1006, 0)
// meshes for the box used are laid out like so...
// 1 down
// 2 right
// 3 front
// 4 up
// 5 left
// 6 back
// Load 3D models
LoadObjectWithChildren( 1, "aiko.x" )
anim_name[1] = GetObjectAnimationName(1,1)
SetObjectPosition(1, 30, -90, 100)
SetObjectAnimationSpeed( 1, 20 )
PlayObjectAnimation( 1, anim_name[1], 209, 234, 1, 0 )
// Texture our models
LoadImage(1, "aiko_1_D2.png")
SetObjectMeshImage( 1, 1, 1, 0)
if GetRawKeyState(37)
RotateCameraGlobalY(1, -1)
if GetRawKeyState(39)
RotateCameraGlobalY(1, 1)
if GetRawKeyState(38)
RotateCameraLocalX(1, -1)
if GetRawKeyState(40)
RotateCameraLocalX(1, 1)
Print( ScreenFPS() )
Turning off the light for that object did the trick...
Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1