I love puzzle and RPG games, so eventually in years to come - I might design a DIY puzzle game creator
- click and play puzzle game creator system
- Can create any kind of puzzles, from Tertis style games to Pac-Man style.
- level editor for it
- events and triggers to be able to assign properties to each object,
Can a sprite for rotation, scale, effects, path movement for your own sprites.
- A.I for the enemies - in built Path Finding techniques
- Title screen designer
- Scoring system - if a player object collides with a Jewel graphic object eg - then increate score by what ever amount
- Health,, AIR bars that trigger other things to occur if goes beyond certain level - like a flashing "Hurry!!!" when its close to empty
- In game pause screens
- Credit screens
So its would be like a game engine in built another game engine.
I have always often admired to do something like this, Maybe I could possibly sell the finished engine if its huge interest either on here or indeed
sell the whole game to the outside world.
It would only make PC games
Once a puzzle game as been created with the engine, it will compile to a file which the engine reads, to indeed play the created game
Using Tier 1 AppGameKit V2
Started coding with AMOS