Hi, I was working on FPS years ago and now I'm starting a new FPS/TPS.
I've some question about how is it done. I usually use a floating arm with gun in front of camera and an invisible cube as collision in my FPS projects.
I've done few mods for old games that for example: when you are driving a vehicle in first person view, it only use the high detailed interior with some of visible exterior part model, and for a third person view it use the entire high detailed model with low detailed interior model.
Working on for a player model I moved camera inside of the head thinking of backface culling effect but some of objects like eyeball or teeth was be visible from inside and looks weird with those things floating in the middle of screen (I hide it but when I use with a reflection shader it was scary shit without eyes and teeth). Another option I thought that may would work was using a floating gun for FPS and using a full model for TPS but again looking at water with reflection I only saw a floating gun in FPS mode (ofcourse).
Any sugestion will be apreciated. Thanks in advance.