I'm feeling generous, have some pseudo-code.
Have two variables.
isJumping = 0
jumpAmount# = 2.0 (Or another arbitrary amount.
Spacebar makes you jump. (GetRawKeyReleased( 32 ) )
Start of game loop
`If you release the spacebar, start to jump, and set the jump amount. (Higher numbers make you jump faster.
If GetRawKeyReleased( 32 ) Then isJumping = 1 : jumpAmount# = 2.0
If isJumping = 1
`Subtract 0.25 from the jump amount
jumpAmount# = jumpAmount# - 0.25 (Or another arbitrary amount)
`Add the jumpAmount# to the sprites Y Position
SpriteYPosition = SpriteYPosition + jumpAmount#'
`If the sprite has landed ion the floor
If SpriteYPosition <= floorHeight
`stop jumping and reset variables.
isJumping = 0
SpriteYPosition = FloorHeight
end of game loop