yeah I fixed it sorry for the trouble
however Batvink I have a different problem now
when the track goes 180-360 somewhere in between the camera flips
so the game follows the track smoothly but camera flips if the angles are too high for both ways up and down
did you encountered that problem?
it works like this:
theres the primary spaceship model.
there a small box attached to it to use as camera positions.
cameraObjectX = GetObjectX(spaceship)
cameraObjectY = GetObjectY(spaceship)
cameraObjectZ = GetObjectZ(spaceship)
cameraObjectAngleX = GetObjectAngleX(spaceship)
cameraObjectAngleY = GetObjectAngleX(spaceship)
cameraObjectAngleZ = GetObjectAngleX(spaceship)
MoveOBjectLocalZ(CameraObject,-150) // for distance viewing
MoveObjectLocalY(cameraObject,75) // so you'll see the spacehip from above , well a little bit
so the game works find but the camera flips from time to time if the track is too swirly