Splattered is now available for Android devices.
Splattered is a persistent online multiplayer paintball game. Currently there are free for all, team death matches and (vs AI) matches available depending upon the number of players queued up. I opted to go with a single one time payment plan per device rather than in-app purchases solely for personal reasons, I am an old school gamer and I believe when you pay for a game, you should get the complete game, thus any future content will be unlocked for customers as I develop it.
Splattered requires a constant and fast Internet connection (HSP/ LTE or WiFi connection), as to prevent cheating, a majority of calculations are done server side and then sent to every client.
The server is constantly online and items and events can be added server side on the fly as I create them, so you may find new equipment continually being added to the stores.
Patch 1.1 will be in the works after the app is released on all devices, it will include more game play modes such as Capture the Flag, King of the Hill and UI improvements.
I'll post an update for the iOS and Windows links when it's available, my hopes are to get the on Greenlight asap.
Thanks everyone
Robert Janes (Samu Games)