Hiya all,
I need a few names for my little army dudes in my compo entry. I can't think of any names that aren't blatantly copied from movies.
The idea is that the first 4 dudes are your main characters, but if a main character dies he's replaced by a recruit with a generated name - but I need 4 names for the 4 start dudes.
All but one of them is bald.
There's a wrinkly dude (White).
There's a young dude (Black).
There's a dude with stubble and hair (Black).
There's a suntanned dude with stubble (White).
I've looked at traditional names for them, like 'Vasquez' and 'Burke' and 'Tex' and 'Chief', but they don't seem to suit them much, the dudes are fairly comically proportioned (like short well-built dudes with oversized jaws and heads).
I need a lot of names for the generator too, so any names that I don't use for the main dudes I can use in the generator to name the recruits (you will be able to give your recruits a nickname after their first mission).
Next time he runs past, GRAB HIM!