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Program Announcements / Shooter 1.0 DBC arcade style 3D facial shoot'em up release : )

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Location: france
Posted: 30th Mar 2017 14:20 Edited at: 31st Mar 2017 07:35
Hi there, it took me YEARS ...

Once upon a time I bought a joystick and searched for an arcade style game, something like that afterburner game I used to spend coins in back in my youth.
I could not find it, so I focused on creating it.

Of course it can be played with the mouse/keyboard but you will take more fun with a force feedback joystick.

Darkbasic is a very open sandbox where the imagination can be free and the hard side is to contain ourself to what can be done in an affordable amount of time.
Shooter 1.0 is not the game of the year, not a blockbuster made by a team of 400 people, not the new zelda...
It's been made by an individual alone in his chair in front of his PC screen.

Working alone on such a project requires a lot of passion as so mmany people kept telling me "find a real job" or why don't you add this or that to the game...

I have kept the project in DBC and did not move to DB Pro as I wanted to master DBC before moving to the next level.
I hope I will be able to afford spending time on the DB Pro features that wasn't there, simple things like alpha channel, or to enhance my future graphics projects with normal maps...

Shooter 1.0 can be downloaded on my website:

If you can share on Facebook it would help a lot

Shooter 1.0 is free and I would like it a lot if a maximum of people could play.
I will manage to give the info in video games magazines in France, but for the other countries it would be very helpful if you could send me the e-mails of journalist that you can find somewhere in those magazines so that I can contact them.

Have fun playing shooter
feel free to visit my web site
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 09:51 Edited at: 4th May 2017 11:10
There you can watch the demo vidéo of Shooter on youtube:
feel free to visit my web site
Chris Tate
DBPro Master
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 13:00
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Location: france
Posted: 4th Apr 2017 12:40
Give it a try it would be nice if I could have some user feedback,
thank you

feel free to visit my web site
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Location: france
Posted: 10th Apr 2017 16:42
There comes some screenshots of the game.

sunset inner view:

sunset outer view:

when you drop a bomb and it destroys everything:

the game has got 9 stage:

the first stage focus on learning how to fly and shoot, then it gets harder and harder:

when you cannot see much outside of the car's lights:

after the crab invasion and the night, the king of the crabs is the first boss:

on stage 8 the second boss is a dragon whom strenght depends on your score:

when you try to reach the finish line after the 20 minutes of the game:

the arcade style high score system:
feel free to visit my web site
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Posted: 17th Apr 2017 22:38
This draws me back to the times where most software/ games came from computer-magazines.
I think this game would have made you a millionare in '99

Good work!

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Location: france
Posted: 4th May 2017 11:14
here is a short walkthrough of the game
feel free to visit my web site

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