Yes, I do the same with the default template.
My use a capitals seems to be a bit odd as well. Command like type-endtype, select-endselect, for-to-next will be all in lower case. Things like SetObjectColor, CreateText, SetSpritePosition will have the first letter of each word in uppercase. I think this comes from using the intelisense where AppGameKit will put all the uppercase letters but when I writing, for example, for-to-next I tend just to type it all in by hand.
I tend to use spaces to in the function parameters to split groups of values up. For example:
ObjectSphereCast(obj, old_x#,old_y#,old_z#, new_x#,new_y#,new_z#, radius#) <> 0
However, I try not to get too hung on any of this as it can waste a serious amount of time.